1. 我们需要与客户保持密切联络,以确保他们的需求得到满足。
We need to stay in close contact with our customers to ensure their needs are met.
2. 请与我联系,以安排下一次会议。
Please get in touch with me to arrange the next meeting.
3. 我们需要更好地与供应商保持联络,以确保供应链畅通。
We need to improve our communication with suppliers to ensure a smooth supply chain.
4. 请通过邮件与我联络,以确认您的参与。
Please contact me via email to confirm your participation.
5. 我们会定期与合作伙伴联络,以确保项目进展顺利。
We will regularly liaise with our partners to ensure smooth progress of the project.
6. 我们需要与当地社区建立紧密的联络,以了解他们的需求。
We need to establish close contact with the local community to understand their needs.
7. 请与销售团队联络,以获取更多关于产品的信息。
Please get in touch with the sales team to get more information about the product.
8. 我们的主管部门已经与政府机构取得了联系,以讨论合作事宜。
Our management has already been in touch with government agencies to discuss collaboration.
9. 请确保您保持与团队成员的联络,以便及时了解项目进展。
Please make sure you stay in contact with team members to stay informed of project progress.
10. 我们需要建立与潜在客户的联系,以拓展市场。
We need to establish contacts with potential customers to expand our market.
11. 他们通过电子邮件进行了联络,以讨论下一步的合作计划。
They communicated via email to discuss the next steps in their collaboration plan.
12. 我们应该保持与同行业的公司的联系,以了解市场动向。
We should keep in touch with companies in the same industry to stay informed of market trends.
13. 请通过电话与我联络,以进一步讨论这个问题。
Please contact me by phone to discuss this matter further.
14. 我们已经与供应商取得了联系,以确认交货日期。
We have been in touch with the supplier to confirm the delivery date.
15. 他们与客户保持了良好的联络,以满足客户的需求。
They maintained good contact with customers to meet their needs.
16. 我们需要与团队成员保持密切的联络,以确保项目按计划进行。
We need to stay in close contact with team members to ensure the project is on track.
17. 他们通过视频会议进行了联络,以讨论远程工作的安排。
They connected through video conferencing to discuss arrangements for remote work.
18. 我们将与合作伙伴保持紧密的联系,以共同推动项目的成功。
We will maintain close contact with partners to jointly drive the success of the project.
19. 请通过邮件与我们联络,以获取更多关于产品的信息。
Please contact us via email to get more information about the product.
20. 我们将与志愿者团队保持联络,以协调社区服务活动。
We will stay in touch with the volunteer team to coordinate community service activities.
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