1. 他终日忙于工作,很少有时间休息。
He works all day long and rarely has time to rest.
2. 她终日沉浸在书籍中,对外界一无所知。
She is immersed in books all day long and knows nothing about the outside world.
3. 我们终日忙碌,几乎没有时间放松。
We are busy all day long and hardly have time to relax.
4. 他终日埋首工作,为了实现自己的梦想而努力。
He is buried in work all day long, striving to achieve his dreams.
5. 她终日守在窗前,等待着他的归来。
She sits by the window all day long, waiting for his return.
6. 我终日思念着家乡的美好风景。
I think about the beautiful scenery of my hometown all day long.
7. 他终日游荡在城市的街头,寻找着失去的回忆。
He wanders the streets of the city all day long, searching for lost memories.
8. 她终日抱怨着生活的不公平,却从不主动去改变。
She complains about the unfairness of life all day long, but never takes initiative to change.
9. 他终日在实验室里钻研科学问题,对研究充满了热情。
He delves into scientific problems in the laboratory all day long, full of passion for research.
10. 她终日带着微笑面对生活的挑战,坚信一切都会好起来的。
She faces the challenges of life with a smile all day long, believing that everything will get better.
11. 我终日在图书馆里学习,为了考试做好充分准备。
I study in the library all day long, preparing thoroughly for the exam.
12. 他终日游走于大自然之中,享受着宁静与美丽。
He wanders in nature all day long, enjoying the tranquility and beauty.
13. 她终日沉浸在音乐中,忘却了周围的喧嚣。
She is immersed in music all day long, forgetting the hustle and bustle around her.
14. 我们终日忙碌于工作之中,却很少有时间陪伴家人。
We are busy with work all day long, but rarely have time to spend with family.
15. 他终日思考着人生的意义,寻找着内心的答案。
He ponders the meaning of life all day long, seeking answers within himself.
16. 她终日照顾着生病的母亲,从不抱怨。
She takes care of her sick mother all day long, never complaining.
17. 他终日漂泊在各地,寻找着属于自己的归宿。
He wanders around all day long, searching for his own home.
18. 她终日忙着工作,却从不忘记锻炼身体。
She is busy with work all day long, but never forgets to exercise.
19. 他终日独自一人,享受着孤独带来的宁静。
He is alone all day long, enjoying the tranquility that loneliness brings.
20. 我们终日在海滩上玩耍,尽情享受夏日的阳光。
We play on the beach all day long, enjoying the summer sun to the fullest.
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