1. 这个泉水是自流的,不需要使用泵抽水。
This spring water is self-flowing and does not require a pump to draw water.
2. 这个水池是自流的,可以自动循环水。
This pond is self-flowing and can circulate water automatically.
3. 这个喷泉是自流的,不需要外部动力。
This fountain is self-flowing and does not require external power.
4. 这个瀑布是自流的,水流不受外力控制。
This waterfall is self-flowing, and the water flow is not controlled by external forces.
5. 这个水管是自流的,可以自动排水。
This water pipe is self-flowing and can drain automatically.
6. 这个温泉是自流的,水温始终保持恒定。
This hot spring is self-flowing, and the water temperature remains constant.
7. 这个溪流是自流的,水流清澈见底。
This stream is self-flowing, and the water is clear and transparent.
8. 这个水井是自流的,井水源源不断。
This well is self-flowing, and the water keeps flowing continuously.
9. 这个水塘是自流的,可以自行排泄废水。
This water pond is self-flowing and can discharge waste water on its own.
10. 这个水泵是自流的,可以根据水位自动启停。
This water pump is self-flowing and can automatically start and stop according to the water level.
11. 我们的水系统是自流的,不需要额外的搅拌设备。
Our water system is self-flowing and does not require additional mixing equipment.
12. 自流的设计使得水循环更加高效。
The self-flowing design makes the water circulation more efficient.
13. 这个自流式喷灌系统可以根据土壤湿度自动调节水量。
This self-flowing sprinkler system can automatically adjust the water amount according to the soil moisture.
14. 自流的水族箱过滤系统能够保持水质清洁。
The self-flowing aquarium filtration system can keep the water clean.
15. 自流的水力发电站利用水流自身的能量产生电力。
The self-flowing hydroelectric power station utilizes the energy of the water flow to generate electricity.
16. 自流的水循环系统可以减少能源消耗。
The self-flowing water circulation system can reduce energy consumption.
17. 这个自流的河流在冬季也不会结冰。
This self-flowing river does not freeze even in winter.
18. 自流的冷却系统可以自动调节温度。
The self-flowing cooling system can automatically adjust the temperature.
19. 这个自流的灌溉系统可以节约大量人力和时间。
This self-flowing irrigation system can save a lot of labor and time.
20. 自流的水循环可以保持水体清洁和氧气充足。
The self-flowing water circulation can keep the water clean and oxygenated.
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