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1. zhèfángjiānméiyǒurén

There is nobody in this room.

2. zhèpiànrénzhù

This land is uninhabited.

3. rénzhīdàozhè

Nobody knows this secret.

4. zhèzuòchéngshìzàiwǎnkànláirényān

The city looks deserted at night.

5. zhèdǎo屿shìrénzhī

The island is uninhabited.

6. zhèfángzijīngrénzhùhěnzhǎngshíjiānle

This house has been uninhabited for a long time.

7. zhèfāngkànláihuāngrényān

The place looks desolate and uninhabited.

8. rénzàidegǎnshòu

Nobody cares about my feelings.

9. zhèhuàshìrénnéngdàide

This plan is irreplaceable by anybody.

10. gǎndàorénjiědetòng

He felt that nobody understood his pain.

11. zhèchéngshìdemǒuxiēkànláishìrénzhùde

Some areas of this city look uninhabited.

12. rénnénggòuwèilái

Nobody can predict the future.

13. zhèxiàngyàorénshēn

This project requires nobody's involvement.

14. zhècūnzhuāngjīngrénzhùduōniánle

This village has been uninhabited for many years.

15. réncǎideqǐngqiú

Nobody paid attention to his request.

16. zhèxīngqiúshàngyǒuxiēfāngshìrénshède

There are places on this planet where nobody has set foot.

17. rénzhīdàozhèfāngdeshǐ

Nobody knows the history of this place.

18. zhèwènrénhuí

This question cannot be answered by anybody.

19. zhèdǎo屿shìréndǎo

The island is a deserted island.

20. rénzhīxiǎozhèshìjiàndezhēnxiàng

Nobody knows the truth about this event.


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