1. 柳暗花明又一村,断桥残雪独徘徊。
Translation: Amidst the willows and flowers, another village appears; alone I wander on the broken bridge in the lingering snow.
2. 夜幕降临,断桥上的影子在月光下显得更加凄凉。
Translation: As night falls, the shadows on the broken bridge appear even more desolate in the moonlight.
3. 风吹过断桥,发出悲凉的呼啸声。
Translation: The wind blows through the broken bridge, emitting a mournful howling sound.
4. 河水潺潺流过断桥下,带走了岁月的痕迹。
Translation: The river flows gently under the broken bridge, carrying away the traces of time.
5. 断桥上的青苔愈发茂盛,仿佛在述说着岁月的沧桑。
Translation: The moss on the broken bridge grows more lush, as if telling the story of the vicissitudes of time.
6. 他们在断桥上相遇,一见如故,却注定无法在一起。
Translation: They met on the broken bridge, instant connection, but destined never to be together.
7. 雨后的断桥更显得破败不堪,仿佛在诉说着无尽的哀伤。
Translation: The broken bridge appears even more dilapidated after the rain, as if expressing endless sorrow.
8. 落日余晖映照在断桥上,照亮了一段被遗忘的往事。
Translation: The lingering sunset shines on the broken bridge, illuminating a forgotten past.
9. 断桥的两端仿佛连接着两个世界,一个是过去,一个是未来。
Translation: The two ends of the broken bridge seem to connect two worlds, one is the past, and the other is the future.
10. 鸟儿停歇在断桥上,歌声回荡在寂静的山谷里。
Translation: Birds perch on the broken bridge, their songs echoing in the silent valley.
11. T
Translation: 断桥默默地见证着时间的流逝和所带来的变化。
12. T
Translation: 断桥象征着曾经跨越它的人们的破碎梦想和失落希望。
13. T
Translation: 断桥提醒着我们这个世界上一切事物的无常性。
14. Th
Translation: 断桥横亘在前方,是对未来挑战的鲜明提醒。
15. Th
Translation: 断桥在时间的重压下发出吱吱作响,承载着记忆的沉重。
16. Th
Translation: 断桥是大自然坚韧不拔的见证,慢慢被自然元素重新占有。
17. T
Translation: 断桥是一个令人心碎的提醒,过去永远无法重现。
18. T
Translation: 断桥横跨河流,宛如被遗忘的过往时代的遗迹。
19. T
Translation: 断桥象征着曾经跨越它的人们所经历的破裂关系和失落联系。
20. T
Translation: 断桥是对生命脆弱和衰败不可避免的深刻提醒。
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