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1. zhèhuàdemíngànchùfēichángchū

The light and shade in this painting are handled very well.

2. dexiǎoshuōmiáohuìleshēnghuózhōngdemíngànmiàn

His novel depicts the light and dark sides of life.

3. zhèdiànyǐngmíngànduìérwénmíng

This film is known for its contrast of light and shade.

4. dezuòpǐnzhǎnxiànleshēnghuózhōngdemíngànzhīchù

His work shows the light and dark aspects of life.

5. zhèzhāngzhàopiāndemíngànxiàoguǒfēichángyǐnrénzhù

The light and shade effect of this photo is very striking.

6. zàizhèhuàzhōngmíngàndeduìfēichángxiānmíng

In this painting, the contrast between light and shade is very sharp.

7. zhèhuàdemíngànchù使shǐderéngèngjiāshēng

The light and shade in this painting make the figures more lifelike.

8. zhèshìdeqíngjiéchōngmǎnlemíngàndebiànhuà

The plot of this story is full of twists and turns.

9. dehuìhuàqiǎozàimíngànchùfāngmiànfēichángchū

His painting skills are excellent in handling light and shade.

10. zhèchéngshìyǒuzhemíngànjiāocuòdeshǐ

This city has a history of light and shade.

11. zhèhuàdemíngànxiàoguǒyíngzàochūzhǒngshéndefēnwéi

The light and shade effect of this painting creates a mysterious atmosphere.

12. zàizhèshìzhōngmíngàndeduì使shǐderéngèngjiā

In this story, the contrast between light and shade makes the characters more three-dimensional.

13. zàizuòpǐnzhōngyùnyòngleliàngdemíngànduì

He used a lot of contrast between light and shade in his work.

14. zhèchéngshìzàishǐshàngjīnglemíngàndejiāo

This city has experienced the alternation of light and shade in history.

15. zhèzhāngzhàopiāndemíngànchùhěnyǒucénggǎn

The light and shade treatment of this photo has a sense of hierarchy.

16. zhèfāngyǒuzhemíngànzhījiāndewēimiàopínghéng

This place has a subtle balance between light and shade.

17. dehuàzuòzhǎnxiànleránfēngguāngdemíngànzhīměi

His paintings show the beauty of light and shade in natural scenery.

18. zhèhuàdemíngànchùfēicháng

The light and shade in this painting is handled very delicately.

19. zhèshìzhōngdemíngànbiànhuàlìngrénzhuōtòu

The light and shade changes in this story are unpredictable.

20. zhèdiànyǐngmíngànchùérhuòleduōzàn

This film has received much acclaim for its handling of light and shade.


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