1. 他的建明之举得到了大家的一致赞扬。
His constructive actions were unanimously praised by everyone.
2. 她以建明的态度处理了这个棘手的问题。
She handled the tricky issue with a constructive attitude.
3. 他的建明之言给了我们很大的启发。
His constructive words gave us great inspiration.
4. 我们需要建明的思维来解决这个难题。
We need a constructive mindset to solve this problem.
5. 他的建明之举让整个团队都受益匪浅。
His constructive actions benefited the entire team greatly.
6. 在这个关键时刻,我们需要建明的领导。
We need constructive leadership at this critical moment.
7. 他的建明之言让大家对问题有了新的认识。
His constructive words gave everyone a new understanding of the issue.
8. 我们应该积极采取建明的态度来解决这个问题。
We should take a constructive attitude to solve this problem.
9. 在团队合作中,建明的意见至关重要。
Constructive opinions are crucial in teamwork.
10. 只有通过建明的讨论,我们才能找到解决问题的方法。
Only through constructive discussion can we find a solution to the problem.
11. 他的建明之举为公司带来了巨大的改变。
His constructive actions brought about great changes for the company.
12. 我们需要建明的思路来应对这个复杂的局面。
We need a constructive approach to deal with this complex situation.
13. 在团队合作中,建明的交流是非常重要的。
Constructive communication is crucial in teamwork.
14. 他总是以建明的态度来面对挑战。
He always faces challenges with a constructive attitude.
15. 我们应该鼓励建明的想法和创新。
We should encourage constructive ideas and innovation.
16. 他的建明之言让我对这个问题有了不同的看法。
His constructive words gave me a different perspective on the issue.
17. 只有通过建明的合作,我们才能取得成功。
Only through constructive cooperation can we achieve success.
18. 她以建明的态度接受了批评,并从中吸取教训。
She accepted criticism with a constructive attitude and learned from it.
19. 他的建明之举为团队带来了新的希望。
His constructive actions brought new hope to the team.
20. 在解决问题时,我们需要建明的思维方式。
We need a constructive mindset to solve problems.
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