1. 法官宣布了最后的裁决。
The judge announced the final ruling.
2. 他的案子将由一位资深法官来审理。
His case will be heard by a senior judge.
3. 法官对被告的辩护律师提出了质疑。
The judge questioned the defendant's defense attorney.
4. 这位法官以公正和公平著称。
The judge is known for his impartiality and fairness.
5. 法官下令禁止媒体报道案件细节。
The judge ordered a media blackout on the details of the case.
6. 法官对证人提出了严格的质询。
The judge rigorously questioned the witness.
7. 这位法官在庭审中表现得非常严肃。
The judge appeared very serious during the trial.
8. 法官裁定被告无罪。
The judge ruled the defendant not guilty.
9. 法官要求律师提供更多的证据。
The judge asked the lawyer to provide more evidence.
10. 这位法官对法庭程序非常了解。
The judge is very knowledgeable about courtroom procedures.
11. 法官对被告提出了严厉的指责。
The judge made harsh criticisms of the defendant.
12. 法官在审理过程中保持了中立。
The judge remained neutral throughout the trial.
13. 这位法官对案件的调查非常彻底。
The judge conducted a thorough investigation of the case.
14. 法官宣布延期庭审。
The judge announced a postponement of the trial.
15. 法官对证人作出了保护性的裁定。
The judge made a protective ruling for the witness.
16. 法官对被告表示同情。
The judge expressed sympathy for the defendant.
17. 法官在案件审理中展现出了果断的态度。
The judge displayed a decisive attitude during the case.
18. 这位法官对案件的细节非常关注。
The judge paid close attention to the details of the case.
19. 法官宣布对被告判处重刑。
The judge sentenced the defendant to a long prison term.
20. 这位法官是一位非常有权威的人物。
The judge is a very authoritative figure.
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