首页 汉字



1. diǎnshǒushìmentíngxiàlái

He gestured for us to stop with a wave of his hand.

2. yòngshǒuzhǐzhezhǐdiǎnzháomendefāngxiàng

She pointed on the map, directing us where to go.

3. lǎoshīyòngshǒuzhǐdiǎnlediǎnhēibǎnshàngdewèn

The teacher pointed at the problem on the blackboard.

4. diǎnshǒuràngmenzǒujìnfángjiān

He motioned for us to enter the room with a wave of his hand.

5. qǐngyàoyòngshǒuzhǐdiǎnzháobiérén

Please don’t point at others with your finger.

6. diǎnshǒushìmenxiàngzuǒzhuǎn

He gestured for us to turn left with a wave of his hand.

7. yòngshǒuzhǐdiǎnlediǎnzhōngbiǎoshàngdeshíjiān

He pointed at the time on the clock with his finger.

8. jǐngcháyòngshǒuzhǐdiǎnlediǎnxiánrén

The police officer pointed at the suspect with his finger.

9. diǎnshǒushìmengēnzhezǒu

She motioned for us to follow her with a wave of her hand.

10. yòngshǒuzhǐdiǎnlediǎnshàngdedōng西

He pointed at something on the ground with his finger.

11. diǎnshǒushìmenzuòxià

He gestured for us to sit down with a wave of his hand.

12. yòngshǒuzhǐdiǎnlediǎnshūshàngdecuò

He pointed at the mistake in the book with his finger.

13. jǐngcháyòngshǒuzhǐdiǎnlediǎntáofàndefāngxiàng

The police officer pointed in the direction of the fugitive with his finger.

14. diǎnshǒushìmengēnzhezǒuxiàngchí

She motioned for us to follow her to the dance floor with a wave of her hand.

15. yòngshǒuzhǐdiǎnlediǎnshàngde

He pointed at the destination on the map with his finger.

16. diǎnshǒushìmentíngzhǐshuōhuà

He gestured for us to stop talking with a wave of his hand.

17. yòngshǒuzhǐdiǎnlediǎnhēibǎnshàngdeàn

He pointed at the answer on the blackboard with his finger.

18. jǐngcháyòngshǒuzhǐdiǎnlediǎnxiánréndecángshēndiǎn

The police officer pointed at the hiding place of the suspect with his finger.

19. diǎnshǒushìmengēnzhezǒuxiàngchūkǒu

She motioned for us to follow her to the exit with a wave of her hand.

20. yòngshǒuzhǐdiǎnlediǎnshàngdewēixiǎnpǐn

He pointed at the dangerous item on the ground with his finger.


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