1. 在湖边采莲是我小时候最喜欢做的事情。
Picking lotus flowers by the lake was my favorite thing to do when I was a child.
2. 她穿着轻盈的裙子,站在池塘边采莲。
She stood by the pond in a light dress, picking lotus flowers.
3. 他们一起去采莲,度过了一个美好的下午。
They spent a lovely afternoon picking lotus flowers together.
4. 在古代,采莲是一种诗意的行为,常被用来表达爱情。
In ancient times, picking lotus flowers was a poetic act often used to express love.
5. 他们手牵手走进池塘,开始采莲。
They walked hand in hand into the pond to start picking lotus flowers.
6. 池塘里的莲花开得正盛,吸引了很多人前来采莲。
The lotus flowers in the pond were in full bloom, attracting many people to come and pick them.
7. 他们带着篮子和刀子来采莲。
They came to pick lotus flowers with baskets and knives.
8. 采莲的季节已经到了,让我们一起去吧!
The season for picking lotus flowers has arrived, let's go together!
9. 她在水中小心翼翼地采莲,一朵朵美丽的莲花被她摘下。
She carefully picked lotus flowers in the water, plucking one beautiful flower after another.
10. 他用渔网来采莲,效率非常高。
He used a fishing net to pick lotus flowers, which was very efficient.
11. 采莲的人们载歌载舞,欢乐地度过了一个美好的夏日。
The people picking lotus flowers sang and danced, enjoying a wonderful summer day.
12. 他们在夕阳下采莲,场面十分美丽。
They picked lotus flowers in the sunset, creating a beautiful scene.
13. 采莲是一种传统的乡村活动,吸引了许多游客前来观赏。
Picking lotus flowers is a traditional rural activity that attracts many tourists to come and watch.
14. 他们在池塘中划着小船,边划边采莲。
They rowed a small boat in the pond, picking lotus flowers as they went.
15. 采莲是一种放松身心的好方式。
Picking lotus flowers is a great way to relax and unwind.
16. 她把采莲的经历写成了一篇美丽的诗歌。
She wrote a beautiful poem about her experience of picking lotus flowers.
17. 他们准备了一顿丰盛的采莲午餐,大家都吃得很开心。
They prepared a sumptuous lunch after picking lotus flowers, and everyone enjoyed it.
18. 采莲的季节已经结束,莲花将会凋零。
The season for picking lotus flowers has ended, and the lotus flowers will wither.
19. 他们在池塘边唱歌跳舞,采莲成了他们快乐的一部分。
They sang and danced by the pond, and picking lotus flowers became a part of their happiness.
20. 采莲的人们在水中欢笑,享受着大自然的馈赠。
The people picking lotus flowers laughed and enjoyed the gifts of nature in the water.
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