首页 汉字



1. menměiyīnggāiwèihuánbǎochūfèn

Every one of us should make an effort to protect the environment.

2. měiyīnggāiduìdexíngwéi

Everyone should be responsible for their own actions.

3. menměiyīnggāizhēnshíjiān

Each of us should cherish time.

4. měiyīnggāizūnzhòngréndejiàn

Everyone should respect the opinions of others.

5. menměiyīnggāishíxiàndemèngxiǎng

Each of us should strive to achieve our dreams.

6. měiyīnggāiwèidejiànkāng

Everyone should take responsibility for their own health.

7. menměiyīnggāiguānxīnruòshìqún

Each of us should care for vulnerable groups.

8. měiyīnggāixuéhuìkuānróngliàngjiě

Everyone should learn to be tolerant and forgiving.

9. menměiyīnggāiwèishèhuìzuòchūgòngxiàn

Each of us should contribute to society.

10. měiyīnggāizhēnshēngmìng

Everyone should cherish life.

11. menměiyīnggāizūnzhòngtóngdewénhuà

Each of us should respect different cultures.

12. měiyīnggāiwèidexíngwéi

Everyone should take responsibility for their actions.

13. menměiyīnggāixué

Each of us should strive to learn.

14. měiyīnggāiguānxīndòng

Everyone should care about animal welfare.

15. menměiyīnggāizūnzhòngréndeyǐn

Each of us should respect the privacy of others.

16. měiyīnggāiwèidewèilái

Everyone should be responsible for their own future.

17. menměiyīnggāizhēnyǒuqíng

Each of us should cherish friendship.

18. měiyīnggāizūnzhòng

Everyone should respect the law.

19. menměiyīnggāibǎorányuán

Each of us should strive to protect natural resources.

20. měiyīnggāizūnzhòngréndexìnyǎng

Everyone should respect the beliefs of others.


上一个 qī,rén(七人) 句子列表 下一个 ér,lái(而来)



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