首页 汉字



1. dechéngzàibānshàngshǔzhōngshàngshuǐpíng

His grades are above average in the class.

2. zhèjiācāntīngdejiàzàizhōngshàngshuǐpíngdànshìkǒuwèifēichángcuò

The price of this restaurant is on the higher side, but the taste is really good.

3. deshēncáishǔzhōngshàngshēncáipàngshòu

She has a medium build, not too fat or too thin.

4. zhèchéngshìdeshēnghuóchéngběnshǔzhōngshàngshuǐpíng

The cost of living in this city is on the higher side.

5. zhèxuéxiàodejiàoxuézhìliàngzàiquánshìshǔzhōngshàngshuǐpíng

The teaching quality of this school is above average in the city.

6. zàigōngdezhíwèishǔzhōngshàngcéng

In the company, his position is in the middle to upper level.

7. zhèdefángjiàshǔzhōngshàngshuǐpíng

The housing prices in this area are on the higher side.

8. dezhìshāngshìjiéguǒshǔzhōngshàngshuǐpíng

Her IQ test results are above average.

9. zhèxuéshēngzàibāndebiǎoxiànshǔzhōngshàngshuǐpíng

This student's performance in the class is above average.

10. zhèliàngchēdexìngnéngshǔzhōngshàngshuǐpíng

The performance of this car is above average.

11. zhèqiúduìzàiliánsàizhōngdepáimíngshǔzhōngshàngshuǐpíng

This team's ranking in the league is above average.

12. zhèxiàngchénggōngshǔzhōngshàngshuǐpíng

The success rate of this project is above average.

13. zhèjiǔdiàndeshuǐpíngshǔzhōngshàngshuǐpíng

The level of service at this hotel is above average.

14. dewàimàoshǔzhōngshàngshuǐpíng

Her appearance is above average.

15. zhèchǎnpǐndezhìliàngshǔzhōngshàngshuǐpíng

The quality of this product is above average.

16. zhèguójiādejiàoshuǐpíngshǔzhōngshàngshuǐpíng

The education level of this country is above average.

17. zhègōngdeshōushǔzhōngshàngshuǐpíng

The income of this company is above average.

18. zhèdehuánjìngzhìliàngshǔzhōngshàngshuǐpíng

The environmental quality of this area is above average.

19. zàisàizhōngdebiǎoxiànshǔzhōngshàngshuǐpíng

In the competition, his performance is above average.

20. zhècāntīngdekǒubēishǔzhōngshàngshuǐpíng

The reputation of this restaurant is above average.


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