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1. menzàigāoniánshíxiǎngshòule退tuìxiūshēnghuó

They are enjoying their retirement in their old age.

2. gāoniánrényàogèngduōdeguān怀huáiguānzhù

Elderly people need more care and attention.

3. shìwèigāoniánshìdànréngránfēichángjiànkāng

She is an elderly lady, but still very healthy.

4. gāoniánrénguòshàngchōngshídeshēnghuó

Elderly people can also lead fulfilling lives.

5. menyīnggāizūnzhònggāoniánréndejiànjīngyàn

We should respect the opinions and experiences of the elderly.

6. gāoniánréndezhìhuìshìjiàde

The wisdom of the elderly is invaluable.

7. gāoniánrényàogèngduōdeshèhuìzhīchí

Elderly people need more social support.

8. gāoniánréndeshēnghuózhìliàngyīnggāidàozhòngshì

The quality of life of the elderly should also be valued.

9. gāoniánrényǒushíhuìgǎndàozhù

The elderly sometimes feel lonely and helpless.

10. gāoniánréndejiànkāngzhuàngkuàngyàodàoguānzhù

The health of the elderly needs to be addressed.

11. menzàigāoniánshíxiǎngshòule退tuìxiūshēnghuó

They are enjoying their retirement in their old age.

12. gāoniánrényàogèngduōdeguān怀huáiguānzhù

Elderly people need more care and attention.

13. shìwèigāoniánshìdànréngránfēichángjiànkāng

She is an elderly lady, but still very healthy.

14. gāoniánrénguòshàngchōngshídeshēnghuó

Elderly people can also lead fulfilling lives.

15. menyīnggāizūnzhònggāoniánréndejiànjīngyàn

We should respect the opinions and experiences of the elderly.

16. gāoniánréndezhìhuìshìjiàde

The wisdom of the elderly is invaluable.

17. gāoniánrényàogèngduōdeshèhuìzhīchí

Elderly people need more social support.

18. gāoniánréndeshēnghuózhìliàngyīnggāidàozhòngshì

The quality of life of the elderly should also be valued.

19. gāoniánrényǒushíhuìgǎndàozhù

The elderly sometimes feel lonely and helpless.

20. gāoniánréndejiànkāngzhuàngkuàngyàodàoguānzhù

The health of the elderly needs to be addressed.


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