1. 他总是行事谨慎,从不冒险。
He always acts cautiously and never takes risks.
2. 她行事果断,从不犹豫。
She acts decisively and never hesitates.
3. 他行事一向低调,不喜欢引人注目。
He always acts low-key and doesn't like to attract attention.
4. 她行事一向稳重,从不轻举妄动。
She always acts prudently and never acts recklessly.
5. 他行事冷静,从不冲动行事。
He acts calmly and never acts impulsively.
6. 她行事一向谨慎,从不做出草率的决定。
She always acts cautiously and never makes hasty decisions.
7. 他行事一向循规蹈矩,不喜欢冒险。
He always acts according to the rules and doesn't like to take risks.
8. 她行事一向缜密,不容忽视任何细节。
She always acts meticulously and never overlooks any details.
9. 他行事一向果断,从不拖泥带水。
He always acts decisively and never procrastinates.
10. 她行事一向坦诚,从不说谎。
She always acts with honesty and never lies.
11. 他行事一向稳健,不喜欢冒险。
He always acts cautiously and doesn't like to take risks.
12. 她行事一向独立,不依赖他人。
She always acts independently and doesn't rely on others.
13. 他行事一向有条不紊,从不慌乱。
He always acts methodically and never panics.
14. 她行事一向果断,从不犹豫不决。
She always acts decisively and never hesitates.
15. 他行事一向稳重,从不轻举妄动。
He always acts prudently and never acts recklessly.
16. 她行事一向冷静,从不冲动行事。
She always acts calmly and never acts impulsively.
17. 他行事一向谨慎,从不做出草率的决定。
He always acts cautiously and never makes hasty decisions.
18. 她行事一向循规蹈矩,不喜欢冒险。
She always acts according to the rules and doesn't like to take risks.
19. 他行事一向缜密,不容忽视任何细节。
He always acts meticulously and never overlooks any details.
20. 她行事一向坦诚,从不说谎。
She always acts with honesty and never lies.
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