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1. zàitáishànghuàngyōuzheyǐnlesuǒyǒuguānzhòngdezhù

He swayed on the stage, capturing the attention of all the audience.

2. xiǎoháizishǒuzhetángguǒhuàngyōuzhezǒuguòlái

The child walked over, swaying with a candy in hand.

3. jiǔhòudehuàngyōuzhezǒuchàdiǎnshuāidǎo

He staggered as he walked after drinking, almost falling over.

4. fēngchuīshùzhīhuàngyōuzhechūshāshādeshēngyīn

The wind made the branches sway, making a rustling sound.

5. biānchàngbiānhuàngyōuzhedǎofēichángyǒumèi

He sang while swaying and dancing, very charming.

6. zàichuánshànghuàngyōuzheyùnchuánle

He swayed on the boat and felt seasick.

7. xiǎochuánzàilàngzhōnghuàngyōuzheràngrényǒudiǎnyùnchuán

The small boat swayed in the waves, making people a little seasick.

8. huàngyōuzhezǒujìnlefángjiānxiǎnránshìzuìle

She staggered into the room, obviously drunk.

9. dēngguānghuàngyōuzheràngrényǒuxiēxuànyūn

The flickering light made people feel dizzy.

10. huàngyōuzhezǒuxiàngchízhǔnbèikāishǐtiào

He swayed towards the dance floor, ready to start dancing.

11. zuìhànhuàngyōuzhezǒujìnlejiǔyǐnlezhènsāodòng

The drunk staggered into the bar, causing a commotion.

12. dechángsuízhedònghuàngyōuzheměidòngrén

Her long hair swayed with her movements, beautiful and charming.

13. shùzàifēngzhōnghuàngyōuzhechūshāshādeshēngyīn

The leaves swayed in the wind, making a rustling sound.

14. huàngyōuzhezǒuxiàngménkǒudeyàngzi

He staggered towards the door, looking dazed.

15. fēngchuīwéiliánhuàngyōuzhechūshāshādeshēngyīn

The wind made the curtains sway, making a rustling sound.

16. huàngyōuzhetiàozheshìdeyàngzi

He swayed and danced arrogantly.

17. deqúnbǎisuízhedǎohuàngyōuzheyōudòngrén

Her skirt swayed with the dance, elegant and charming.

18. wěizàifēngzhōnghuàngyōuzheyíngfēngyáo

The reeds swayed in the wind, swaying in the breeze.

19. huàngyōuzhezǒuxiàngchízhǔnbèikāishǐtiào

He swayed towards the dance floor, ready to start dancing.

20. huāduǒzàiwēifēngzhōnghuàngyōuzhesànzheqīngxīndefēnfāng

The flowers swayed in the breeze, releasing a fresh fragrance.


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