1. 他总是很顺从,从不违抗父母的意愿。
He is always obedient and never goes against the wishes of his parents.
2. 她对领导的要求总是很顺从。
She is always obedient to the demands of her superiors.
3. 这只狗非常顺从,从不叫唤或乱跑。
This dog is very obedient, never barking or running around.
4. 在这个家庭中,孩子们总是顺从父母的安排。
In this family, the children always obey their parents' arrangements.
5. 他的态度非常顺从,从不和上司发生冲突。
His attitude is very obedient, never conflicting with his superiors.
6. 你应该顺从交通规则,遵守交通信号。
You should obey traffic rules and follow traffic signals.
7. 她总是顺从着丈夫的意愿,从不抱怨。
She always obeys her husband's wishes and never complains.
8. 孩子们必须顺从老师的指导,才能学到更多知识。
Children must obey the guidance of the teacher in order to learn more knowledge.
9. 这只猫非常顺从,从不乱抓家具。
This cat is very obedient, never scratching the furniture.
10. 在军队中,士兵必须顺从命令。
In the army, soldiers must obey orders.
11. 他总是很顺从,从不违抗上级的安排。
He is always obedient and never goes against the arrangements of his superiors.
12. 你必须顺从法律,否则会受到处罚。
You must obey the law, or you will be punished.
13. 他的顺从使得他在公司里混得很好。
His obedience has made him do well in the company.
14. 在家庭中,孩子们应该顺从父母的教导。
In the family, children should obey their parents' teachings.
15. 他总是很顺从,从不抗拒命令。
He is always obedient and never resists orders.
16. 他的顺从使得他受到了领导的赏识。
His obedience has earned him the appreciation of the leaders.
17. 她总是很顺从,从不和同事发生冲突。
She is always obedient and never conflicts with her colleagues.
18. 你应该顺从医生的建议,好好休息。
You should obey the doctor's advice and have a good rest.
19. 她总是很顺从,从不反对家人的决定。
She is always obedient and never opposes the decisions of her family.
20. 在团队中,大家都应该顺从领导的安排。
In the team, everyone should obey the arrangements of the leader.
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