1. 这个面霜可以让你的皮肤变得柔软平滑。
This cream can make your skin soft and smooth.
2. 她的动作流畅平滑,像是一只优雅的舞者。
Her movements are fluid and smooth, like a graceful dancer.
3. 这条路面非常平滑,开车很舒适。
The road surface is very smooth, making for a comfortable drive.
4. 她的声音听起来非常平滑,就像一条丝绸般柔软的流水。
Her voice sounds very smooth, like the soft flow of silk.
5. 这个新涂料可以让墙面变得平滑无瑕。
This new paint can make the wall smooth and flawless.
6. 她的皮肤感觉非常平滑,就像丝绸一样。
Her skin feels very smooth, like silk.
7. 这台机器能够将木材切割得非常平滑。
This machine can cut wood into a very smooth finish.
8. 这种面料摸起来非常平滑,很适合做衣服。
This fabric feels very smooth and is perfect for making clothes.
9. 他的跳跃动作非常流畅平滑,给人留下深刻印象。
His jumping movements are very fluid and smooth, leaving a lasting impression.
10. 这个产品可以让你的头发变得柔软平滑。
This product can make your hair soft and smooth.
11. 这种润滑油可以让机器运转更加平滑。
This lubricant can make the machine run more smoothly.
12. 她的笔触非常平滑,字迹工整。
Her strokes are very smooth, with neat handwriting.
13. 这个面包的口感非常柔软平滑。
The texture of this bread is very soft and smooth.
14. 这种涂料可以让墙面变得平滑如镜。
This paint can make the wall smooth as a mirror.
15. 这个舞者的舞姿非常流畅平滑,令人赏心悦目。
The dancer's movements are very fluid and smooth, pleasing to the eye.
16. 这款护发产品可以让你的头发变得柔顺平滑。
This hair care product can make your hair smooth and sleek.
17. 这段音乐的旋律非常平滑,令人陶醉其中。
The melody of this music is very smooth, enchanting.
18. 这种面料的质地非常平滑,穿起来很舒适。
The texture of this fabric is very smooth, comfortable to wear.
19. 这种磨砂工艺可以让玻璃表面变得平滑无瑕。
This frosted process can make the glass surface smooth and flawless.
20. 这个新设计的汽车座椅非常舒适平滑。
The newly designed car seats are very comfortable and smooth.
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