1. 我的爷爷已经六十岁了,最近开始出现老眼。
My grandfather is sixty years old and has recently developed presbyopia.
2. 她戴着老花镜,仔细地看着那张照片。
She wore reading glasses and looked carefully at the photo.
3. 他常常抱怨看书时眼睛模糊,可能是老眼的原因。
He often complains about blurred vision when reading, which may be due to presbyopia.
4. 我的眼镜度数又加深了,老眼越来越严重了。
My glasses prescription has increased again, and my presbyopia is getting worse.
5. 老眼是随着年龄增长而出现的一种常见眼病。
Presbyopia is a common eye condition that occurs with aging.
6. 她在五十岁时开始感到老眼的症状。
She started experiencing symptoms of presbyopia at the age of fifty.
7. 老眼使得她难以看清近处的小字。
Presbyopia makes it difficult for her to read small print up close.
8. 他不得不戴上老花镜才能看清报纸上的字。
He has to wear reading glasses to see the words in the newspaper clearly.
9. 老年人常常需要使用老花镜来帮助阅读。
Elderly people often need to use reading glasses to help with reading.
10. 老眼并不是一种严重的眼病,但会给生活带来不便。
Presbyopia is not a serious eye condition, but it can be inconvenient in daily life.
11. 她买了一副时尚的老花镜,戴上后还显得很有气质。
She bought a stylish pair of reading glasses, which made her look very elegant when wearing them.
12. 老花镜是老年人必备的生活用品之一。
Reading glasses are one of the essential daily necessities for the elderly.
13. 他的老花镜摔坏了,需要重新配一副新的。
His reading glasses were broken and he needs to get a new pair.
14. 我爸爸的老花镜度数已经增加了,需要看眼科医生调整。
My dad's reading glasses prescription has increased and he needs to see an optometrist for adjustment.
15. 老花镜不仅用于阅读,还可以用于缝纫和其他近距离工作。
Reading glasses are not only used for reading, but also for sewing and other close-up work.
16. 他在工作中需要频繁使用老花镜来查看细小的零件。
He needs to use reading glasses frequently at work to inspect small parts.
17. 她的老花镜非常时尚,戴上后完全看不出是老花镜。
Her reading glasses are very stylish, and it's not obvious that they are reading glasses when she wears them.
18. 老花镜是老年人的好帮手,让他们能够更方便地阅读。
Reading glasses are a great help for the elderly, making it easier for them to read.
19. 老花镜的度数需要定期检查,以确保配戴的舒适度和准确度。
The prescription for reading glasses needs to be checked regularly to ensure comfort and accuracy.
20. 她戴上老花镜后,终于可以清楚地看见书上的每个字了。
After putting on reading glasses, she can finally see every word in the book clearly.
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