1. 这束花散发出一股清新的馨香。
This bouquet of flowers gives off a fresh and fragrant scent.
2. 馨香的茶叶散发着一种淡淡的清香。
The fragrant tea leaves give off a subtle and refreshing aroma.
3. 这种馨香的香水让人感到舒适和放松。
This fragrant perfume gives a feeling of comfort and relaxation.
4. 她身上散发着一种淡淡的馨香。
She exudes a faint and fragrant scent.
5. 这家咖啡店里弥漫着浓郁的馨香。
The coffee shop is filled with a rich and fragrant aroma.
6. 这个馨香的蜡烛让整个房间变得温馨舒适。
This fragrant candle makes the whole room feel warm and cozy.
7. 这种馨香的香料给菜肴增添了独特的味道。
This fragrant spice adds a unique flavor to the dishes.
8. 每当我闻到这种馨香,就会想起童年的记忆。
Whenever I smell this fragrant scent, it reminds me of childhood memories.
9. 馨香的花朵在微风中摇曳,散发着迷人的香气。
The fragrant flowers sway in the breeze, emitting a charming fragrance.
10. 这种馨香的香薰油让整个房间都变得宜人。
This fragrant essential oil makes the whole room pleasant.
11. 这种馨香的香草给烘焙食品增添了美味的味道。
This fragrant herb adds a delicious flavor to baked goods.
12. 馨香的烛光给夜晚增添了一份温馨的氛围。
The fragrant candlelight adds a warm atmosphere to the night.
13. 这种馨香的植物被用于制作芳香蜡烛。
This fragrant plant is used to make aromatic candles.
14. 馨香的烟花在夜空中绽放,散发出美丽的光彩。
The fragrant fireworks bloom in the night sky, emitting beautiful colors.
15. 这种馨香的木材被用于制作高档家具。
This fragrant wood is used to make high-end furniture.
16. 馨香的烹饪香料给菜肴增添了丰富的味道。
Fragrant cooking spices add rich flavors to dishes.
17. 这个馨香的花园里种满了各种各样的花草。
This fragrant garden is filled with a variety of flowers and plants.
18. 馨香的烤面包让人垂涎欲滴。
The fragrant toast is mouth-watering.
19. 这种馨香的蜂蜜是天然的,没有添加任何化学物质。
This fragrant honey is natural and free from any added chemicals.
20. 这种馨香的香料给菜肴带来了一种独特的风味。
This fragrant spice adds a unique flavor to the dishes.
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