1. 我们每年都会去朝圣圣地麦加。
We go on a pilgrimage to Mecca every year.
2. 他们在朝圣之旅中感受到了内心的宁静。
They found inner peace during their pilgrimage.
3. 朝圣者们在太阳升起之前就开始了他们的旅程。
The pilgrims began their journey before sunrise.
4. 他们的朝圣之旅是为了寻求心灵的净化。
Their pilgrimage was for the purification of the soul.
5. 朝圣者们在沙漠中步行了数天。
The pilgrims walked for days in the desert.
6. 朝圣对于穆斯林来说是一种信仰的表达。
Pilgrimage is a form of religious expression for Muslims.
7. 他们在朝圣的过程中结识了许多志同道合的人。
They met many like-minded people during their pilgrimage.
8. 朝圣者们在朝圣地点上祈祷和献祭。
The pilgrims prayed and made offerings at the pilgrimage site.
9. 朝圣者们在朝圣地点上举行了一场盛大的仪式。
The pilgrims held a grand ceremony at the pilgrimage site.
10. 他们的朝圣之旅是为了向主表示虔诚。
Their pilgrimage was to show devotion to the Lord.
11. 朝圣者们在朝圣地点上经历了一场宗教体验。
The pilgrims had a religious experience at the pilgrimage site.
12. 他们的朝圣之旅是为了向上帝祈求庇佑。
Their pilgrimage was to seek blessings from God.
13. 朝圣者们在朝圣地点上举行了一场庄严的仪式。
The pilgrims held a solemn ceremony at the pilgrimage site.
14. 他们的朝圣之旅是为了寻求心灵的慰藉。
Their pilgrimage was for solace of the soul.
15. 朝圣者们在朝圣地点上完成了他们的心灵净化仪式。
The pilgrims completed their purification rituals at the pilgrimage site.
16. 他们的朝圣之旅是为了向上帝献上敬虔的心。
Their pilgrimage was to offer a devout heart to God.
17. 朝圣者们在朝圣地点上感受到了上帝的恩典。
The pilgrims felt the grace of God at the pilgrimage site.
18. 他们的朝圣之旅是为了向上帝表示感恩。
Their pilgrimage was to show gratitude to God.
19. 朝圣者们在朝圣地点上体验到了神圣的力量。
The pilgrims experienced the divine power at the pilgrimage site.
20. 他们的朝圣之旅是为了寻求心灵的净化和启示。
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