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1. menháishǎoxiēshíyàozàimǎixiē

We still lack some food and need to buy more.

2. zhèyuèdegōngháishǎolefèn

He is still short of some of his salary this month.

3. zhèxiàngháishǎoxiējīnyàochóu

This project is still short of some funds and needs to continue raising.

4. menháishǎoliǎngrényàozàizhǎoxiērénláibāngmáng

We are still short of two people and need to find more to help.

5. mendeduìháishǎolemíngduìyuán

Their team is still short of one member.

6. menháishǎolezhòngyàodejié

We are still missing a few important details.

7. zhèfāngànháishǎolexiēguānjiàndeyuán

This plan is still lacking some key elements.

8. deshōuháishǎolexiēyàojiābèi

My income is still a little short and I need to work harder.

9. menháishǎolexiēyàodeyuán

We are still short of some necessary resources.

10. zhèchǎnpǐndezhìliàngháishǎolexiēyàogǎijìn

The quality of this product is still lacking and needs improvement.

11. WWe still lack some necessary equipment for the project.

12. The team is still short of a few key members.

12. TThe budget is still lacking some important funding.

14. The plan is still missing a few crucial details.

13. TThey are still short of a couple of important resources.

16. The presentation is still lacking some essential elements.

14. WWe are still a little short of the target.

18. The party is still missing a few important guests.

15. TThe report is still missing a few key findings.

20. The company is still short of some necessary skills and expertise.


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