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1. menjiāměiniándōuhuìzàidànjiéqiánchīwǎncān

We always have dinner together on Christmas Eve at our house every year.

2. háizimendōuhěndàishèngdànlǎorénzàidànjiéqiánsòng

The children are all looking forward to Santa Claus bringing gifts on Christmas Eve.

3. menjiātōngchángzàidànjiétiānzǎoshàngkāi

We usually open presents together on Christmas morning at our house.

4. jiéfēnzàidànjiéjiānbiénónghòu

The holiday spirit is especially strong during Christmas.

5. menjiāměiniándōuhuìzàidànjiéjiānzhuāngshìfángzi

They decorate their house every year during Christmas.

6. zàidànjiéjiānhěnduōréndōuhuìjiàotángcānjiā

Many people go to church for mass during Christmas.

7. dànjiéshìjiātíngtuándehǎoshí

Christmas is a good time for family reunions.

8. mentōngchángzàidànjiéjiānpéngyǒubànpàiduì

We usually have a party with friends during Christmas.

9. dànjiéshìqìngzhùfēnxiǎngdejié

Christmas is a holiday for celebration and sharing.

10. menhuìzàidànjiéjiānzuòxiēshànhuódòng

We will do some charity work during Christmas.

11. menjiāměiniándōuhuìzàidànjiéjiānhuáxuějià

We go skiing for a holiday every year during Christmas.

12. dànjiéshìchuántǒngdejiérénmenhuìzàizhètiānzèng

Christmas is a traditional holiday where people exchange gifts.

13. menjiātōngchángzàidànjiéjiānkànshèngdàndēngshì

We usually go see Christmas lights together during Christmas.

14. dànjiédeqìngzhùhuódòngbāokuòchīcānchàngshèngdànsòng

Christmas celebrations include eating big meals and singing carols.

15. zàidànjiéjiānhěnduōréndōuhuìzuòxiēshànjuānzèng

Many people make charitable donations during Christmas.

16. menjiāměiniándōuhuìzàidànjiéjiānbànshèngdepàiduì

They have a big party every year during Christmas.

17. dànjiéjiānhěnduōshāngdiàndōuhuìzhéxiāo

Many stores have sales during Christmas.

18. menjiātōngchángzàidànjiéjiānzuòxiēshǒugōngpǐn

We usually make crafts together during Christmas.

19. dànjiéshìchōngmǎnhuānzhùdejié

Christmas is a joyful and blessed holiday.

20. zàidànjiéjiānhěnduōréndōuhuìhuíjiājiāréntuán

Many people go home to reunite with their families during Christmas.


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