1. 我们应该俭用资源,保护环境。
We should be frugal with resources and protect the environment.
2. 他一直以俭用为荣,从不浪费。
He has always prided himself on his frugality and never wastes anything.
3. 在这个经济不景气的时候,我们必须学会俭用。
In this economic downturn, we must learn to be frugal.
4. 她的俭用生活方式使她成为了一个成功的理财者。
Her frugal lifestyle has made her a successful money manager.
5. 这个家庭一直以俭用为荣,从不过度消费。
This family has always prided itself on its frugality and never over-consumes.
6. 他在家里俭用每一分钱,以确保家庭的经济稳定。
He is frugal with every penny at home to ensure the financial stability of the family.
7. 我们必须俭用粮食,以确保每个人都有足够吃的。
We must be frugal with food to ensure that everyone has enough to eat.
8. 她的俭用习惯使她能够存下一大笔钱。
Her frugal habits have allowed her to save a large amount of money.
9. 他的俭用方式使得他能够在有限的预算内生活得很好。
His frugal ways allow him to live well within a limited budget.
10. 我们必须俭用水资源,避免浪费。
We must be frugal with water resources and avoid waste.
11. 他的俭用习惯让他在退休后能够过上舒适的生活。
His frugal habits allow him to live comfortably in retirement.
12. 在这个时代,俭用是一种美德。
In this era, frugality is a virtue.
13. 她的俭用方式使得她能够在有限的预算内旅行。
Her frugal ways allow her to travel within a limited budget.
14. 他的俭用习惯使得他在困难时期能够渡过难关。
His frugal habits allow him to get through tough times.
15. 这个家庭一直以俭用为荣,从不生活奢侈。
This family has always prided itself on its frugality and never lives extravagantly.
16. 她的俭用习惯让她能够在有限的预算内买到所需的东西。
Her frugal habits allow her to buy what she needs within a limited budget.
17. 在这个经济不景气的时候,我们必须学会俭用。
In this economic downturn, we must learn to be frugal.
18. 他的俭用方式使得他能够在有限的预算内度过每个月。
His frugal ways allow him to get through each month within a limited budget.
19. 我们必须俭用能源,以减少对环境的影响。
We must be frugal with energy to reduce our impact on the environment.
20. 她的俭用生活方式使她能够在有限的预算内养家糊口。
Her frugal lifestyle allows her to make ends meet within a limited budget.
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