1. 他偷摸地拿走了我的手机。
He sneakily took my phone.
2. 她偷摸地偷吃了一块巧克力。
She sneakily ate a piece of chocolate.
3. 他偷摸地溜出了教室。
He sneaked out of the classroom.
4. 她偷摸地把钱包藏在了抽屉里。
She sneakily hid the wallet in the drawer.
5. 他偷摸地偷看了我的笔记。
He sneakily peeked at my notes.
6. 她偷摸地溜进了电影院。
She sneaked into the movie theater.
7. 他偷摸地打开了冰箱,想偷吃点东西。
He sneakily opened the fridge, hoping to steal some food.
8. 孩子们偷摸地溜进了厨房,偷吃了一些饼干。
The children sneaked into the kitchen and stole some cookies.
9. 他偷摸地把手伸进了口袋。
He sneakily slipped his hand into the pocket.
10. 她偷摸地打开了礼物盒。
She sneakily opened the gift box.
11. 他偷摸地把文件从桌子上拿走了。
He sneakily took the documents from the table.
12. 她偷摸地偷看了他的私人日记。
She sneakily peeked at his private diary.
13. 他偷摸地溜进了禁止入内的区域。
He sneaked into the off-limits area.
14. 她偷摸地把书塞进了书包里。
She sneakily stuffed the book into her backpack.
15. 他偷摸地打开了窗户。
He sneakily opened the window.
16. 她偷摸地悄悄地走了进来。
She sneakily tiptoed in.
17. 他偷摸地偷了一口我的冰淇淋。
He sneakily stole a bite of my ice cream.
18. 她偷摸地偷听了他们的谈话。
She sneakily eavesdropped on their conversation.
19. 他偷摸地溜进了教室,想偷答案。
He sneaked into the classroom, trying to steal the answers.
20. 她偷摸地拿走了我的钥匙。
She sneakily took my keys.
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