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1. menyǒutóngyàngdexìngàihào

We have the same interests.

2. menyǒutóngbiāo

They have the same goal.

3. menyǒutóngpéngyǒuquān

We have the same group of friends.

4. menyǒutóngyàngdepǐnwèi

They have the same taste.

5. menyǒutóngyàngdexìnniàn

We have the same belief.

6. menyǒutónglǎobǎn

They have the same boss.

7. menyǒutóngǒuxiàng

We have the same idol.

8. menyǒutóngyàngdejīngyàn

They have the same experience.

9. menyǒutóngyàngdexiǎng

We have the same idea.

10. menyǒutóngmèngxiǎng

They have the same dream.

11. menyǒutóngjiāxiāng

We have the same hometown.

12. menyǒutóngyàngdeguāndiǎn

They have the same viewpoint.

13. menyǒutóngàihào

We have the same hobby.

14. menyǒutóngyàngdetài

They have the same attitude.

15. menyǒutóngbiāo

We have the same goal.

16. menyǒutóngyàngdecáinéng

They have the same talent.

17. menyǒutónghuà

We have the same plan.

18. menyǒutóngyàngdeyōudiǎn

They have the same advantages.

19. menyǒutóngqínggǎn

We have the same emotion.

20. menyǒutóngyàngdexìng

They have the same personality.


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