1. 这个水果很容易剥离皮。
This fruit is very easy to peel.
2. 我们需要剥离这个项目的不必要部分。
We need to strip away the unnecessary parts of this project.
3. 剥离外衣后,将鸡肉切成小块。
After removing the skin, cut the chicken into small pieces.
4. 这种技术可以剥离金属的氧化层。
This technology can strip away the oxide layer of metals.
5. 他试图剥离自己的过去,开始新的生活。
He tried to shed his past and start a new life.
6. 这种产品可以剥离细菌和污垢。
This product can strip away bacteria and dirt.
7. 剥离树皮是这种植物特有的特征。
Stripping the bark is a characteristic of this plant.
8. 这种化学物质能够剥离油漆。
This chemical can strip away paint.
9. 他们试图剥离公司的控制权。
They attempted to strip away the company's control.
10. 这种面膜可以帮助剥离死皮细胞。
This mask can help peel away dead skin cells.
11. 剥离表面的铅漆是为了防止中毒。
Peeling away the lead paint on the surface is to prevent poisoning.
12. 这种药物可以剥离病毒的外壳。
This drug can strip away the virus's outer shell.
13. 他们正在剥离旧的涂层以进行重新粉刷。
They are stripping away the old coating for repainting.
14. 我们需要剥离这个问题的表面现象,找到根本原因。
We need to strip away the surface issues of this problem and find the root cause.
15. 这种化学剂能够剥离金属表面的污垢。
This chemical can strip away dirt from the metal surface.
16. 剥离外套后,她露出了一身华丽的礼服。
After shedding her coat, she revealed a gorgeous dress.
17. 这种药物可以剥离细胞膜。
This drug can strip away the cell membrane.
18. 他们试图剥离这个问题的复杂性,使其更容易理解。
They tried to strip away the complexity of this issue to make it easier to understand.
19. 这个工具可以帮助剥离果皮。
This tool can help peel away the skin of fruits.
20. 剥离外壳后,这个蛋糕露出了美味的内部。
After peeling away the shell, the cake revealed its delicious interior.
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