1. 他用水墨画绘制了一幅美丽的山水画卷。
He painted a beautiful landscape scroll with ink and wash.
2. 这幅画卷描绘了古代宫廷生活的场景。
This scroll depicts scenes of ancient court life.
3. 他展开了一幅精美的画卷,展示了他的绘画技巧。
He unfolded a beautiful scroll to showcase his painting skills.
4. 这幅画卷上的花鸟图案栩栩如生。
The flowers and birds on this scroll are vividly lifelike.
5. 他家里挂着一幅古代名家的山水画卷。
There is a scroll of landscape painting by an ancient master hanging in his house.
6. 这幅画卷的色彩搭配十分和谐。
The color combination of this scroll is very harmonious.
7. 他用细腻的笔触描绘了这幅画卷。
He used delicate brushstrokes to depict this scroll.
8. 这幅画卷展现了作者对自然的独特理解。
This scroll shows the author's unique understanding of nature.
9. 这幅画卷的题材是春天的田园风光。
The subject of this scroll is the pastoral scenery of spring.
10. 他的作品中常常出现长卷画卷的形式。
His works often take the form of long scroll paintings.
11. 这个展览厅里挂满了各种各样的画卷。
The exhibition hall is filled with all kinds of scrolls.
12. 这幅画卷上的人物栩栩如生,仿佛要从纸上走出来。
The figures on this scroll are lifelike, as if they are going to step out of the paper.
13. 这幅画卷上的山水景色令人心旷神怡。
The landscape scenery on this scroll is refreshing and pleasing to the eye.
14. 他的画卷以其独特的风格而著称。
His scrolls are famous for their unique style.
15. 这幅画卷上的细节处理得非常精致。
The details on this scroll are handled very delicately.
16. 这幅画卷展现了作者对乡村生活的热爱。
This scroll shows the author's love for rural life.
17. 他擅长绘制长卷画卷,展现出广阔的视野。
He is good at painting long scrolls, showing a broad vision.
18. 这幅画卷上的山水画让人感受到了大自然的壮美。
The landscape painting on this scroll gives people a sense of the grandeur of nature.
19. 这个博物馆里收藏了许多珍贵的古代画卷。
This museum houses many precious ancient scrolls.
20. 他用笔墨描绘了一幅令人陶醉的画卷。
He depicted a captivating scroll with ink and brush.
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