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1. bànyǎnleyǒnggǎndejǐngcházhuīlezuìfàn。He played a brave police officer and chased after the criminal.

2. 她扮演了一位古代公主,展现出了她的优雅和高贵。She portrayed an ancient princess, showcasing her elegance and nobility.

2. bànyǎnlewèishīdenánrénshìhuīdeguò。He played a man who lost his memory and attempted to recover his past.

4. 她扮演了一个坚强的单身母亲,努力养育她的孩子。She portrayed a strong single mother who worked hard to raise her children.

3. bànyǎnlemàoxiǎnjiātànsuǒleshìjièdewèizhīlǐng。He played an adventurer who explored unknown territories around the world.

6. 她扮演了一个天真烂漫的年轻女孩,追求自己的梦想。She portrayed a naive and innocent young girl who pursued her dreams.

4. bànyǎnlexuèqīngniánwèizhèngérzhàn。He played a passionate young man who fought for justice.

8. 她扮演了一个聪明的律师,为正义辩护。She portrayed a clever lawyer who defended justice.

5. bànyǎnleshòushāngdejūnrénwèilebǎowèiguóérfèndòu。He played an injured soldier who fought to defend his country.

10. 她扮演了一个温柔的护士,照顾病人的健康。She portrayed a gentle nurse who cared for the health of her patients.

6. bànyǎnleshéndejiàndiézhíxíngrèn。He played a mysterious spy who carried out secret missions.

12. 她扮演了一个充满活力的运动员,赢得了比赛的胜利。She portrayed a vibrant athlete who won victories in competitions.

7. bànyǎnlefēngkuángdexuéjiāmínglexiēfēngkuángdezhuāngzhì。He played a crazy scientist who invented some crazy devices.

14. 她扮演了一个优雅的舞者,展现了她的优美身姿。She portrayed an elegant dancer, showcasing her graceful movements.

8. bànyǎnlezhōngchéngdepéngyǒubāngzhùdehǎoyǒuguònánguān。He played a loyal friend who helped his friend through tough times.

16. 她扮演了一个有魅力的歌手,吸引了众多粉丝。She portrayed a charming singer who attracted a large number of fans.

9. bànyǎnlelěngqíngdefǎnpàijuétiǎozhànlezhǔjuédeyǒng。He played a ruthless villain who challenged the courage of the protagonist.

18. 她扮演了一个开朗幽默的主持人,引领观众进入节目的氛围。She portrayed a cheerful and humorous host, leading the audience into the atmosphere of the show.

10. bànyǎnleyǒnggǎndexiāofángyuánmàozheshēngmìngwēixiǎnzhěngjiùrén。He played a brave firefighter who risked his life to rescue others.

20. 她扮演了一个聪明机智的记者,揭露了一些重要的新闻。She portrayed a clever and witty journalist who exposed some important news.


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