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1. HHe was caught for stealing money from the cash register

2. The thief broke into the house and stole jewelry worth thousands of dollars. (小偷闯入了房子,偷走了价值数千美元的珠宝。)

2. TThe company suffered losses due to employee theft

4. He was convicted of stealing a car and sentenced to three years in prison. (他因偷车罪被判三年监禁。)

3. TThe shopkeeper caught the teenager stealing candy and called the police

6. The stolen goods were recovered by the police and returned to the owner. (警方找回了被盗物品,并归还给了所有者。)

4. TThe thief was apprehended by the security guard before he could leave the store

8. The man was accused of stealing a laptop from the library. (这个人被指控从图书馆偷了一台笔记本电脑。)

5. TThe police officer warned the public to be vigilant against theft during the holiday season

10. The suspect was caught on camera stealing a bicycle from a parked car. (嫌疑人被摄像头拍到从一辆停放的车里偷了一辆自行车。)

6. TThe thief was sentenced to community service for stealing food from a supermarket

12. The victim reported the theft of their wallet to the police. (受害者向警方报告了他们的钱包被盗。)

7. TThe burglar broke into the house and stole several valuable itemsh including a television and a laptop

14. The teenager was caught stealing makeup from a department store. (这个青少年被抓住从百货公司偷化妆品。)

8. TThe thief used a crowbar to break into the store and steal cash from the register

16. The stolen car was found abandoned on the side of the road. (被盗的车辆被发现在路边被遗弃。)

9. TThe employee was fired for stealing office supplies

18. The thief disguised themselves as a delivery person to steal packages from people's porches. (小偷冒充快递员从人们的门廊偷包裹。)

10. TThe store implemented stricter security measures to prevent future thefts

20. The police arrested a group of people for organized theft of luxury cars. (警方逮捕了一群人,他们组织偷走豪车。)


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