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1. demiànróngyīntòngérniǔle。 (Her face twisted in pain.)

2. 突然的噪音使他的表情扭曲了。 (The sudden noise made his face contort.)

2. deyánzhōngtòuchūniǔdeè。 (There was a twisted malice in his words.)

4. 这个故事有一个扭曲的结局。 (The story has a twisted ending.)

3. dewéifāngshìyǒuxiēniǔ。 (His thought process is a bit twisted.)

6. 他的脸上露出了一丝扭曲的笑容。 (A twisted smile played across his face.)

4. zhèrénshìniǔdexīnxuéjiā。 (The person is a twisted psychologist.)

8. 这个画作有一些扭曲的线条。 (The painting has some twisted lines.)

5. detàibiànyuèláiyuèniǔ。 (His attitude became more and more twisted.)

10. 这个人喜欢以扭曲的方式看待事情。 (The person likes to view things in a twisted way.)

6. zhèdiànyǐngyǒuxiēniǔdeqíngjié。 (The movie has some twisted plot points.)

12. 他的身体因疼痛而扭曲了。 (His body contorted in pain.)

7. zhèréndeluówéifēichángniǔ。 (The person's logic is very twisted.)

14. 这个故事有一个扭曲的转折点。 (The story has a twisted plot twist.)

8. deliǎnyīnwèifènérniǔle。 (Her face twisted in anger.)

16. 这个人的性格非常扭曲。 (The person's personality is very twisted.)

9. zhèwènyǒuniǔdeàn。 (The question has a twisted answer.)

18. 他的身体因为痛苦而扭曲了成一团。 (His body twisted into a knot of pain.)

10. zhèréndejiàzhíguānhěnniǔ。 (The person's values are very twisted.)

20. 这个场景有一些扭曲的元素。 (The scene has some twisted elements.)


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