1. 他的滑稽表演让全场观众捧腹大笑。
His hilarious performance had the whole audience in stitches.
2. 她的滑稽动作让我们笑得不行。
Her funny antics had us in fits of laughter.
3. 这部喜剧电影里有很多滑稽的场景。
There are plenty of hilarious scenes in this comedy movie.
4. 他总是喜欢搞些滑稽的恶作剧。
He always enjoys playing silly pranks.
5. 孩子们对他的滑稽表演非常喜欢。
The children loved his comical performance.
6. 她的滑稽舞蹈让人捧腹大笑。
Her comical dance had people rolling with laughter.
7. 这个小丑总是能带来滑稽的表演。
This clown always delivers comical performances.
8. 这个喜剧演员的滑稽表演让人忍俊不禁。
The comedian's comical performance was irresistibly funny.
9. 他的滑稽姿态让人忍不住笑出声来。
His comical antics made people burst into laughter.
10. 这个小丑的滑稽表演让孩子们开怀大笑。
The clown's comical performance had the children laughing heartily.
11. 他的滑稽模仿让观众捧腹大笑。
His comical impersonation had the audience in stitches.
12. 她总是能找到一些滑稽的事情来逗乐大家。
She always manages to find something comical to amuse everyone.
13. 那个滑稽的表情让人忍不住笑了出来。
That comical expression made people burst into laughter.
14. 他的滑稽言行总是能让人捧腹大笑。
His comical words and actions always have people in stitches.
15. 这个小丑以他的滑稽表演赢得了观众的掌声。
The clown won applause from the audience with his comical performance.
16. 她的滑稽模仿让大家笑得前俯后仰。
Her comical imitation had everyone laughing uncontrollably.
17. 他总是能通过滑稽的表演来缓解紧张的气氛。
He always manages to relieve tension with his comical performances.
18. 这个喜剧演员的滑稽扮相让人忍俊不禁。
The comedian's comical appearance was irresistibly funny.
19. 他的滑稽举止让人忍不住笑了出来。
His comical behavior made people burst into laughter.
20. 这个小丑的滑稽动作让孩子们笑得前仰后合。
The clown's comical actions had the children laughing uncontrollably.
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