1. 他们在楼台上举行了一个盛大的婚礼。
They held a grand wedding on the terrace.
2. 这座古老的楼台上长满了青藤。
The old terrace is covered with ivy.
3. 我喜欢在楼台上喝茶,欣赏美丽的风景。
I like to drink tea on the terrace and enjoy the beautiful view.
4. 这座楼台是我家最喜欢的地方,可以俯瞰整个城市。
The terrace is my favorite place in the house, with a view overlooking the entire city.
5. 在夏天的晚上,我们常常在楼台上聚会。
In the summer evenings, we often gather on the terrace.
6. 她站在楼台上,向下看着人群。
She stood on the balcony, looking down at the crowd.
7. 这座楼台是这座城市的标志性建筑。
The terrace is the iconic building of the city.
8. 楼台上的花园里种满了鲜花和绿植。
The garden on the terrace is filled with flowers and greenery.
9. 他们在楼台上搭起了一顶帐篷,举行了一个露天派对。
They set up a tent on the terrace and held an outdoor party.
10. 楼台上的装饰艺术风格充满了浪漫气息。
The decorative art style on the terrace is full of romantic atmosphere.
11. 我们在楼台上看到了壮丽的日落景色。
We saw a magnificent sunset view from the terrace.
12. 楼台上的长椅提供了一个舒适的休息场所。
The benches on the terrace provide a comfortable resting place.
13. 他们在楼台上搭建了一个临时舞台,举行了一场音乐会。
They set up a temporary stage on the terrace and held a concert.
14. 楼台上的雕塑艺术展览吸引了许多游客。
The sculpture art exhibition on the terrace attracted many tourists.
15. 我们在楼台上看到了一场壮观的烟花表演。
We saw a spectacular fireworks display from the terrace.
16. 楼台上的露天餐厅提供了美味的美食和迷人的景色。
The outdoor restaurant on the terrace offers delicious food and charming views.
17. 我们在楼台上举行了一个生日派对,非常开心。
We had a birthday party on the terrace and had a great time.
18. 楼台上的摇椅摇摆着,营造出一种宁静的氛围。
The rocking chairs on the terrace swayed, creating a peaceful atmosphere.
19. 在楼台上散步是一种放松身心的好方法。
Walking on the terrace is a good way to relax.
20. 楼台上的景色如画,让人心旷神怡。
The view from the terrace is picturesque, making people feel relaxed and happy.
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