1. 他的生命在顷刻间就发生了改变。
His life changed in the blink of an eye.
2. 那个瞬间仿佛顷刻间就被定格在了我的脑海里。
That moment seemed to be frozen in my mind in an instant.
3. 在顷刻间,他们的命运就发生了翻转。
In a split second, their fate was reversed.
4. 这个世界变化如此之快,一切都在顷刻间发生。
The world changes so fast, everything happens in an instant.
5. 顷刻间,他的心情就变得沮丧起来。
In a moment, his mood turned melancholy.
6. 时间在顷刻间就溜走了。
Time slipped away in an instant.
7. 顷刻间,她的笑容就融化了我的心。
In a split second, her smile melted my heart.
8. 他们的相遇就在顷刻间改变了一切。
Their meeting changed everything in an instant.
9. 顷刻间,她就明白了一切。
In an instant, she understood everything.
10. 顷刻间,一场暴风雨就袭击了这个小镇。
In the blink of an eye, a storm hit the town.
11. 在顷刻间,他们的关系就变得疏远了。
In a split second, their relationship became distant.
12. 事故发生的顷刻间,他们的生活就永远改变了。
In the instant the accident happened, their lives changed forever.
13. 她的眼神在顷刻间就变得冷漠起来。
Her eyes turned cold in an instant.
14. 顷刻间,他们就意识到了自己的错误。
In an instant, they realized their mistake.
15. 这个城市在顷刻间就被摧毁了。
The city was destroyed in the blink of an eye.
16. 顷刻间,他就消失在人群中。
In an instant, he disappeared into the crowd.
17. 他的生命在顷刻间就结束了。
His life ended in the blink of an eye.
18. 顷刻间,一切都变得那么清晰。
In an instant, everything became so clear.
19. 他们的爱情在顷刻间就破灭了。
Their love fell apart in an instant.
20. 顷刻间,一切都变得无比安静。
In an instant, everything became incredibly quiet.
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