1. 我们需要找一个有经验的老师来帮助我们就教这个困难的数学问题。
We need to find an experienced teacher to help us with the difficult math problem.
2. 他们正在就教如何正确使用这个新的软件程序。
They are providing instruction on how to properly use this new software program.
3. 我们需要一个专业的教练来就教我们如何提高我们的篮球技能。
We need a professional coach to instruct us on how to improve our basketball skills.
4. 我们需要就教如何正确使用这些新的工具和设备。
We need instruction on how to properly use these new tools and equipment.
5. 老师正在就教学生如何在紧急情况下保持冷静和冷静。
The teacher is instructing the students on how to remain calm and composed in emergency situations.
6. 他们正在就教如何在野外生存的基本技能。
They are providing instruction on basic survival skills in the wilderness.
7. 这个团队的领导者将就教他们如何合作和有效地沟通。
The leader of the team will instruct them on how to cooperate and communicate effectively.
8. 我们需要一个专业的厨师来就教我们如何烹饪健康的饭菜。
We need a professional chef to instruct us on how to cook healthy meals.
9. 这个培训课程将就教员工如何提高客户服务技能。
This training course will instruct employees on how to improve customer service skills.
10. 我们需要就教如何在紧急情况下采取正确的行动。
We need instruction on how to take the right actions in emergency situations.
11. 这个课程将就教学生如何在职场中取得成功。
This course will instruct students on how to succeed in the workplace.
12. 他们正在就教如何正确地进行瑜伽练习。
They are providing instruction on how to properly perform yoga exercises.
13. 这个工作坊将就教家长如何与他们的孩子建立更好的沟通。
This workshop will instruct parents on how to establish better communication with their children.
14. 她正在就教学生如何写一个优秀的论文。
She is instructing the students on how to write an excellent thesis.
15. 我们需要就教如何正确使用这台复杂的机器。
We need instruction on how to properly use this complex machine.
16. 这个讲座将就教人们如何管理他们的财务。
This lecture will instruct people on how to manage their finances.
17. 我们需要就教如何在团队中合作。
We need instruction on how to cooperate in a team.
18. 这个训练计划将就教员工如何提高他们的销售技巧。
This training program will instruct employees on how to improve their sales skills.
19. 我们需要一个专业的指导者来就教我们如何提高我们的音乐技能。
We need a professional mentor to instruct us on how to improve our musical skills.
20. 这个研讨会将就教人们如何应对工作中的压力。
This seminar will instruct people on how to deal with stress in the workplace.
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