1. 窗台上摆放着一盆鲜花。
There is a pot of flowers on the windowsill.
2. 她喜欢坐在窗台上看书。
She likes to sit on the windowsill and read.
3. 我把杯子放在了窗台上。
I put the cup on the windowsill.
4. 窗台上有一只小猫趴着。
There is a kitten lying on the windowsill.
5. 她站在窗台上向外张望。
She stood on the windowsill and looked outside.
6. 窗台上的植物需要浇水了。
The plants on the windowsill need to be watered.
7. 我喜欢在窗台上晒太阳。
I like to sunbathe on the windowsill.
8. 窗台上的花朵开得很美。
The flowers on the windowsill are blooming beautifully.
9. 她把手机放在了窗台上充电。
She put her phone on the windowsill to charge.
10. 窗台上摆放着一排蜡烛。
There is a row of candles on the windowsill.
11. 窗台上堆满了书籍。
The windowsill is piled with books.
12. 我常常坐在窗台上思考人生。
I often sit on the windowsill and contemplate life.
13. 窗台上的玩偶被风吹倒了。
The doll on the windowsill was blown over by the wind.
14. 她站在窗台上向外招手。
She stood on the windowsill and waved outside.
15. 窗台上的猫咪一动不动地盯着鸟儿。
The cat on the windowsill stared motionlessly at the birds.
16. 窗台上的玻璃被雨水打湿了。
The glass on the windowsill was wet from the rain.
17. 她在窗台上摆放了一排装满植物的花盆。
She arranged a row of plant-filled pots on the windowsill.
18. 窗台上的挂钟发出了清脆的报时声。
The clock on the windowsill chimed crisply.
19. 窗台上的猫咪蜷缩着身子睡着了。
The cat on the windowsill curled up and fell asleep.
20. 窗台上的花儿被阳光照得格外美丽。
The flowers on the windowsill were particularly beautiful in the sunlight.
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