1. 新婚夫妇在洞房里度过了浪漫的第一晚。
The newlyweds spent a romantic first night in the bridal chamber.
2. 洞房花烛夜,新婚燕尔时。
The bridal chamber is lit with candles, and the newlyweds are in love.
3. 我们为洞房布置了一切,希望新婚夫妇能度过愉快的时光。
We have arranged everything for the bridal chamber, hoping the newlyweds will have a pleasant time.
4. 他们被邀请去参加新婚洞房的宴会。
They were invited to attend the banquet in the bridal chamber.
5. 在中国传统习俗中,洞房的床上要放置红色的被褥。
In Chinese traditional customs, the bed in the bridal chamber should be covered with red bedding.
6. 新婚洞房里充满了甜蜜的气氛。
The bridal chamber is filled with a sweet atmosphere of love.
7. 洞房花烛夜,让人感到无比温馨。
The bridal chamber is filled with candles and flowers, making people feel extremely warm.
8. 新婚洞房是新婚夫妇独处的地方。
The bridal chamber is the place where the newlyweds are alone.
9. 洞房的门上挂满了红色的灯笼。
Red lanterns hang on the door of the bridal chamber.
10. 他们在洞房里度过了美好的时光。
They spent a wonderful time in the bridal chamber.
11. 新婚洞房里摆满了玫瑰花。
The bridal chamber is filled with roses.
12. 洞房的窗户朝着美丽的花园。
The window of the bridal chamber faces a beautiful garden.
13. 新婚洞房里布置得异常温馨。
The bridal chamber is decorated exceptionally warm.
14. 洞房的墙上挂着新婚夫妇的照片。
The walls of the bridal chamber are hung with photos of the newlyweds.
15. 新婚洞房里有一张大床和一张小桌。
There is a big bed and a small table in the bridal chamber.
16. 在西方文化中,新婚洞房通常会布置成浪漫的风格。
In Western culture, the bridal chamber is usually decorated in a romantic style.
17. 洞房里摆放着新婚夫妇的行李。
The bridal chamber is filled with the luggage of the newlyweds.
18. 在一些地方,新婚夫妇会在洞房里接受家人和朋友的祝福。
In some places, the newlyweds will receive blessings from family and friends in the bridal chamber.
19. 洞房的门上挂着一串串的彩带。
Colorful ribbons hang on the door of the bridal chamber.
20. 他们在洞房里度过了难忘的第一晚。
They spent an unforgettable first night in the bridal chamber.
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