首页 汉字



1. cóngxiǎojiùdǒngdeqiáng

He has known the importance of self-improvement since he was young.

2. qiángdejīngshénleduōkùnnán

She has overcome many difficulties with a spirit of self-improvement.

3. qiángshìzhǒngpǐnzhìràngrénmennénggòutiǎozhàn

Self-improvement is a quality that enables people to overcome challenges.

4. deqiángjīngshén使shǐchéngwéilechénggōngdeshāngrén

His spirit of self-improvement has made him a successful businessman.

5. deqiángjīngshénràngchéngwéilejiéchūdelǐngdǎozhě

Her self-improvement spirit has made her an outstanding leader.

6. deqiángzhì使shǐlezhǒngzhǒngkùnnán

His self-improvement willpower has helped him overcome various difficulties.

7. qiángjīngshénshìchénggōngdeguānjiànzhī

The spirit of self-improvement is one of the keys to success.

8. tōngguòqiángdelehěndechéngjiù

She has achieved great success through self-improvement.

9. qiángshìrénchéngzhǎngdezhòngyàochéngfèn

Self-improvement is an important part of personal growth.

10. deqiángjīngshén使shǐchéngwéilebǎngyàng

His spirit of self-improvement has made him a role model.

11. qiángshìchénggōngdejué

Self-improvement is the secret to his success.

12. qiángdejīngshénleshēnghuózhōngdeduōkùnnán

She has overcome many difficulties in life with a spirit of self-improvement.

13. qiángjīngshénràngchéngwéileyōuxiùdeyùndòngyuán

The spirit of self-improvement has made him an excellent athlete.

14. tōngguòduàndeqiángdeleduōchéngjiù

He has achieved many accomplishments through continuous self-improvement.

15. qiángshìrénnèizàiliàngdebiǎoxiàn

Self-improvement is a manifestation of one's inner strength.

16. deqiángzhìràngchéngwéilechénggōngdezhuānrénshì

Her self-improvement willpower has made her a successful professional.

17. qiángdejīngshénshìchénggōngdebèitiáojiànzhī

The spirit of self-improvement is one of the necessary conditions for success.

18. qiángdejīngshénlesuǒyǒudetiǎozhàn

He has overcome all challenges with a spirit of self-improvement.

19. qiángshìrénduànjìndedòng

Self-improvement is the driving force of a person's continuous progress.

20. deqiángzhìràngzàikùnnánzhōngzhǎodàolechū

His self-improvement willpower has helped him find a way out in difficult situations.


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