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1. decáihuázhāorántiānxià

His talent is evident to all.

2. zhèwèndeànzhāorántiān

The answer to this question is obvious.

3. zhèsàidejiéguǒzhāorán

The result of this competition is clear and unquestionable.

4. deměimàozhāorántiānxià

Her beauty is known to all.

5. dechénggōngzhāoránjiā

His success is apparent to everyone.

6. defèngxiànzhāoránshì

His selfless dedication is evident to the world.

7. zhèshìshízhāoránshì

This fact is evident to the world.

8. dehuǎngyánzhāorántiān

His lie is plain for all to see.

9. zhèwèndeànzhāorán

The answer to this question is clearly without doubt.

10. dezhēnshíshēnfènzhāorán

His true identity is clearly without doubt.

11. TThe truth of the matter is plain for all to see.

12. The answer to the question is obvious.

12. TThe result of the investigation is evident to all.

14. Her kindness is evident to everyone.

13. HHis guilt is plain for all to see.

16. The fact is plain for everyone to see.

14. TThe answer to the riddle is clear and unquestionable.

18. The beauty of the landscape is evident to all.

15. HHis intelligence is apparent to everyone.

20. The truth of his words is plain for all to see.


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