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1. shìfēichángqínláodegōngrén。He is a very diligent worker.

2. 勤劳是成功的关键之一。Diligence is one of the keys to success.

2. tōngguòqínláodelejìn。She made progress through diligence and hard work.

4. 这个国家的人民以他们的勤劳闻名。The people of this country are known for their industry.

3. qínláoshìshíxiànbiāoyàotiáojiànzhī。Diligence is one of the necessary conditions for achieving goals.

6. 他通过勤劳和毅力克服了困难。He overcame difficulties through diligence and perseverance.

4. qínláoderénzǒngnénghuògèngduōdehuì。Diligent people always get more opportunities.

8. 勤劳的蜜蜂从花朵中采集花蜜。Diligent bees collect nectar from flowers.

5. deqínláocōngmíng使shǐzàigōngzuòzhōngdeledechénggōng。Her diligence and intelligence have brought her great success in her work.

10. 勤劳是实现梦想的必备品质之一。Diligence is one of the essential qualities for realizing dreams.

6. deqínláofèngxiànjīngshénwèigōngdàiláiledegòngxiàn。His diligence and dedication have made significant contributions to the company.

12. 勤劳是一个人获得成就的基石。Diligence is the cornerstone of a person's achievements.

7. qínláoshìdejìndeguānjiànzhī。Diligence is one of the keys to making progress.

14. 勤劳的人总能从生活中获得更多的收获。Diligent people always reap more from life.

8. tōngguòqínláogāoledenéng。He improved his skills through diligence and hard work.

16. 勤劳是成功的基础之一。Diligence is one of the foundations of success.

9. deqínláo使shǐchéngwéilemíngyōuxiùdexuéshēng。Her diligence and perseverance have made her an excellent student.

18. 勤劳是实现自己价值的重要途径之一。Diligence is one of the important ways to realize one's own value.

10. qínláoshìshíxiànmèngxiǎngdebèizhìzhī。Diligence is one of the essential qualities for achieving dreams.

20. 他的勤劳和努力使他取得了显著的成就。His diligence and hard work have led to remarkable achievements.


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