1. 他很快就作答了老师提出的问题。
He quickly answered the question the teacher asked.
2. 请你作答这个数学题。
Please answer this math problem.
3. 他们都在认真地作答考试题目。
They are all carefully answering the exam questions.
4. 请你用完整的句子作答。
Please answer in complete sentences.
5. 她很快就作答了面试官的问题。
She quickly answered the interviewer's questions.
6. 请用黑色笔作答。
Please answer in black ink.
7. 他们在课堂上积极地作答老师的问题。
They are actively answering the teacher's questions in class.
8. 请在纸上作答。
Please answer on the paper.
9. 他们努力地作答每一个问题。
They are making an effort to answer every question.
10. 请在指定的位置上作答。
Please answer in the designated space.
11. 他们正在集中精力作答考试题目。
They are focusing on answering the exam questions.
12. 请用蓝色或黑色墨水作答。
Please answer in blue or black ink.
13. 他们在小组讨论后作答问题。
They answered the questions after discussing in groups.
14. 请以简洁明了的语言作答。
Please answer in clear and concise language.
15. 他们正在费尽全力作答这个难题。
They are doing their best to answer this difficult question.
16. 请在规定的时间内作答。
Please answer within the specified time.
17. 他们正在认真地作答这份调查问卷。
They are carefully answering this survey questionnaire.
18. 请不要作弊,诚实地作答。
Please do not cheat and answer honestly.
19. 他们正在尽力作答这些复杂的问题。
They are trying their best to answer these complex questions.
20. 请用英语作答。
Please answer in English.
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