首页 汉字



1. yòngménguānshàngle

He closed the door with force.

2. zhèxiàngyàogèngdeláiwánchéng

This project needs more effort to be completed.

3. deyǎnjiǎngchōngmǎnleqíng

His speech was full of strength and passion.

4. yàozēngjiācáinéngzhègēndīngzidīngjìn

You need to increase the force to drive this nail in.

5. zhèdǎoyàogèngduōdelínghuóxìng

This dance requires more strength and flexibility.

6. dequánshùhěnhǎoqiàdàohǎochù

His boxing technique is good, with just the right amount of force.

7. zhèyīnyuèjiézòugǎnhěnqiánghěn

This music has a strong rhythm and great force.

8. dechùchōngmǎnlehuó

Her brushstrokes are full of strength and vitality.

9. zàizhètiǎozhànzhōngyàogèngduōde

You need more force in this challenge.

10. detuītàiqiúfēichūleqiúchǎng

His push was too strong, and the ball flew out of the court.

11. zhèdàocàiyàoxiēéwàidetiáowèiliàoláizēngjiā

This dish needs some extra seasoning to add more force.

12. dekòulánshùyàogèngduōde

Her dunking technique needs more force.

13. yòngtouchéngleliǎngbàn

He used force to saw the wood in half.

14. zhèdǎoyàogèngde

This dance requires more force and speed.

15. dequánqiǎoyàogèngduōde

His boxing technique needs more force.

16. zhèxiàngyàogèngduōdeláituīdòngqiánjìn

This project needs more force to drive it forward.

17. zhèhuàjiādezuòpǐnchōngmǎnlebiǎoxiàn

The paintings of this artist are full of strength and expressiveness.

18. deqiúhěnqiúfēihěnyuǎn

He kicked the ball with great force, and it flew far away.

19. zhèshǒudeyǎnchàngchōngmǎnlegǎnqíng

This singer's performance is full of strength and emotion.

20. zhèdiànyǐngdedòngzuòchǎngmiànyàogèngde

The action scenes in this movie need more force.


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