1. 在星象的指引下,我们找到了失落的城市。
Under the guidance of the starry constellations, we found the lost city.
2. 星象告诉我们今晚会有一场壮观的流星雨。
The starry constellations tell us there will be a spectacular meteor shower tonight.
3. 他们根据星象来决定最佳的时间进行航海。
They used the starry constellations to determine the best time for navigation.
4. 星象显示了一个新的星座,它被称为“水瓶座”
The starry constellations revealed a new constellation, which is called "Aquarius".
5. 古代人通过观察星象来预测季节的变化。
Ancient people used to predict the change of seasons by observing starry constellations.
6. 星象中的北极星指示着方向。
The North Star in the starry constellations points the way.
7. 星象在古代被用来制定农业日历。
Starry constellations were used in ancient times to create agricultural calendars.
8. 宇航员通过星象来导航太空飞行器。
Astronauts use starry constellations to navigate spacecraft.
9. 他们根据星象来预测天气。
They predict the weather based on starry constellations.
10. 星象中的大熊星座在北半球很容易观察到。
The constellation Ursa Major in the starry constellations is easily observable in the northern hemisphere.
11. 星象在古代被用来预测国家的命运。
Starry constellations were used in ancient times to predict the fate of a country.
12. 星象是古代人类的导航工具之一。
The starry constellations were one of the navigation tools for ancient humans.
13. 星象中的猎户座是最容易辨认的星座之一。
The constellation Orion in the starry constellations is one of the most recognizable constellations.
14. 星象中的南十字星是南半球的指示方向之星。
The Southern Cross in the starry constellations is the directional star in the southern hemisphere.
15. 星象中的天狼星是最亮的恒星之一。
Sirius in the starry constellations is one of the brightest stars.
16. 星象中的北斗七星在中国文化中有着特殊的意义。
The Big Dipper in the starry constellations has a special significance in Chinese culture.
17. 星象中的天蝎座是一个神秘的星座。
The constellation Scorpius in the starry constellations is a mysterious constellation.
18. 星象中的双子座是一个双胞胎的传说。
The constellation Gemini in the starry constellations is a story of twins.
19. 星象中的天秤座代表着公平和正义。
The constellation Libra in the starry constellations represents fairness and justice.
20. 星象中的天琴座是一个美丽的星座。
The constellation Lyra in the starry constellations is a beautiful constellation.
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