1. 我每天早上都会打坐来冥想和放松。
I meditate and relax by sitting in meditation every morning.
2. 打坐是一种古老的修行方式。
Sitting in meditation is an ancient practice.
3. 我在公园里找了个安静的地方打坐。
I found a quiet spot in the park to sit in meditation.
4. 打坐能够帮助我集中注意力。
Sitting in meditation helps me to focus my attention.
5. 我打坐的时候喜欢闭上眼睛。
I like to close my eyes when I sit in meditation.
6. 打坐可以让我感到内心平静。
Sitting in meditation can make me feel inner peace.
7. 我打坐的时候会尽量保持身体的姿势。
I try to maintain a posture when I sit in meditation.
8. 打坐是一种修心养性的方式。
Sitting in meditation is a way to cultivate the mind and improve character.
9. 我每天都会花一些时间打坐。
I spend some time sitting in meditation every day.
10. 打坐对我的身心健康有很大的帮助。
Sitting in meditation has been very helpful for my physical and mental health.
11. 他每天都会找个地方打坐冥想。
He finds a place to sit in meditation and meditate every day.
12. 她通过打坐来缓解压力。
She relieves stress through sitting in meditation.
13. 打坐可以帮助我平复情绪。
Sitting in meditation can help me calm my emotions.
14. 我打坐的时候会尽量放空自己。
I try to empty myself when I sit in meditation.
15. 打坐是一种很好的放松方式。
Sitting in meditation is a great way to relax.
16. 我发现打坐对我的睡眠质量有所改善。
I find that sitting in meditation has improved the quality of my sleep.
17. 打坐需要耐心和毅力。
Sitting in meditation requires patience and perseverance.
18. 打坐是一种调整身心的好方法。
Sitting in meditation is a good way to adjust the body and mind.
19. 我打坐的时候会尽量保持呼吸均匀。
I try to maintain a steady breath when I sit in meditation.
20. 打坐可以帮助我更好地与自己对话。
Sitting in meditation can help me have a better dialogue with myself.
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