1. 我们决然不能容忍任何形式的歧视。
We cannot tolerate any form of discrimination, decisively.
2. 他决然拒绝了这个不公平的提议。
He decisively rejected the unfair proposal.
3. 我们决然要采取行动来解决这个问题。
We must take decisive action to address this issue.
4. 面对挑战,他表现得非常决然。
Faced with the challenge, he acted with great decisiveness.
5. 她决然地拒绝了他的请求。
She decisively refused his request.
6. 我们必须决然地反对暴力行为。
We must decisively oppose acts of violence.
7. 他们决然地拒绝了这个不合理的要求。
They decisively rejected the unreasonable demand.
8. 领导者需要决然的态度来做出艰难的决定。
Leaders need a decisive attitude to make tough decisions.
9. 我决然地相信自己的选择是正确的。
I am firmly convinced that my choice is right.
10. 面对困难,我们必须决然地前行。
In the face of difficulties, we must decisively move forward.
11. 他决然地宣布他的决定。
He firmly announced his decision.
12. 我们必须决然地站在正义的一边。
We must firmly stand on the side of justice.
13. 面对困难,他表现出了决然的勇气。
Faced with difficulties, he showed firm courage.
14. 她决然地拒绝了所有的威胁。
She decisively rejected all threats.
15. 他们决然地采取了行动来保护环境。
They took decisive action to protect the environment.
16. 面对挑战,她表现出了决然的决心。
Faced with the challenge, she showed firm determination.
17. 我们必须决然地捍卫我们的权利。
We must decisively defend our rights.
18. 领导者需要决然地领导团队。
Leaders need to lead the team decisively.
19. 我们必须决然地反对任何形式的不公平对待。
We must decisively oppose any form of unfair treatment.
20. 面对失败,他决然地重新振作起来。
Faced with failure, he decisively picked himself up.
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