1. 这片土地上的枯草已经被烈日晒得焦黄。
The dry grass on this land has been scorched by the sun.
2. 秋风吹过,枯草在地上发出沙沙的声音。
The autumn wind blew and the dry grass rustled on the ground.
3. 他们在枯草地上搭起了帐篷,准备露营。
They set up their tents on the dry grass field, ready for camping.
4. 枯草上落满了晨露,闪着微光。
The dry grass was covered with morning dew, shimmering in the light.
5. 这片荒凉的土地上只有零零散散的一些枯草。
There were only a few scattered dry grass on this desolate land.
6. 枯草丛中窜出了一只兔子。
A rabbit darted out from the clump of dry grass.
7. 雨后,枯草地上涌出了一片新绿。
After the rain, a patch of fresh green sprouted on the dry grass field.
8. 他们在枯草地上玩耍,大笑声不绝于耳。
They played on the dry grass field, with laughter echoing all around.
9. 走在这片枯草地上,仿佛走在一片黄色的海洋上。
Walking on this dry grass field felt like walking on a yellow sea.
10. 荒凉的山谷里,一丛丛枯草在风中摇曳。
In the desolate valley, clumps of dry grass swayed in the wind.
11. 枯草丛中窜出了一只小松鼠。
A little squirrel darted out from the clump of dry grass.
12. 阳光下,枯草地上散发着一股淡淡的干草香味。
Under the sunlight, the dry grass field emitted a faint smell of hay.
13. 鸟儿在枯草地上觅食,不时发出欢快的叫声。
Birds foraged on the dry grass field, occasionally chirping happily.
14. 这片枯草地上有着一种特有的宁静和孤寂。
There was a unique tranquility and loneliness on this dry grass field.
15. 枯草地上的落叶被风吹得四处飘散。
The fallen leaves on the dry grass field were scattered by the wind.
16. 夕阳下,枯草地显得更加苍凉。
Under the setting sun, the dry grass field looked even more desolate.
17. 枯草地上长满了野花,点缀着一片五彩斑斓。
The dry grass field was covered with wildflowers, embellishing it with a splash of color.
18. 雨后,枯草地上出现了一片泥泞。
After the rain, the dry grass field became muddy.
19. 枯草地上漫步,感受着大自然的宁静与美丽。
Strolling on the dry grass field, feeling the tranquility and beauty of nature.
20. 经过一夜的风雨,枯草地上泛起了一层水雾。
After a night of wind and rain, a layer of mist rose from the dry grass field.
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