1. 这个箱子塞满了书籍。
This box is stuffed with books.
2. 她的行李箱塞满了衣服和鞋子。
Her suitcase is crammed with clothes and shoes.
3. 桌子上塞满了各种各样的玩具。
The table is filled with all kinds of toys.
4. 我的时间表已经被塞满了各种会议和约会。
My schedule is already packed with various meetings and appointments.
5. 这个菜篮子里塞满了新鲜的蔬菜和水果。
The basket is filled with fresh vegetables and fruits.
6. 他的房间塞满了各种旧书和杂志。
His room is crammed with all kinds of old books and magazines.
7. 箱子里塞满了各种纪念品和礼物。
The box is stuffed with all kinds of souvenirs and gifts.
8. 这个包里塞满了零食和饮料。
This bag is crammed with snacks and drinks.
9. 她的日程表塞满了各种社交活动和聚会。
Her calendar is packed with various social events and gatherings.
10. 柜子里塞满了各种文件和文件夹。
The cabinet is filled with all kinds of documents and folders.
11. 这个房间里塞满了各种玩具和游戏。
The room is crammed with all kinds of toys and games.
12. 车上塞满了乘客和行李。
The car is packed with passengers and luggage.
13. 这个袋子里塞满了购物。
The bag is stuffed with purchases.
14. 餐厅里塞满了各种食物和饮料。
The restaurant is filled with all kinds of food and drinks.
15. 汽车的后备箱里塞满了行李和装备。
The car's trunk is crammed with luggage and gear.
16. 这个房间塞满了各种装饰品和家具。
The room is filled with all kinds of decorations and furniture.
17. 箱子里塞满了各种衣服和配饰。
The box is stuffed with all kinds of clothes and accessories.
18. 这个篮子里塞满了各种洗漱用品和化妆品。
The basket is crammed with all kinds of toiletries and cosmetics.
19. 这个储藏室里塞满了各种杂物和工具。
The storage room is filled with all kinds of odds and ends and tools.
20. 他的书包里塞满了课本和笔记本。
His backpack is stuffed with textbooks and notebooks.
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