1. 他是个懂事的孩子,总是乖乖地跟着子路去上学。
He is a sensible child, always obediently following Zilu to school.
2. 子路是孔子的一个得力助手。
Zilu was a capable assistant to Confucius.
3. 孔子的弟子中,子路最为勇敢。
Among Confucius' disciples, Zilu was the bravest.
4. 孔子曾对子路说:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆
Confucius once told Zilu, "To learn without thinking is fruitless, to think without learning is perilous."
5. 子路的父亲是个贤良的人。
Zilu's father was a virtuous man.
6. 子路在孔子的教导下成长为一名杰出的学者。
Under Confucius' guidance, Zilu grew into an outstanding scholar.
7. 子路在家乡受到了很高的敬重。
Zilu was highly respected in his hometown.
8. 子路常常和孔子一起游历各地。
Zilu often traveled with Confucius to different places.
9. 子路对待学问非常认真。
Zilu takes his studies very seriously.
10. 孔子常常赞扬子路的聪明才智。
Confucius often praised Zilu for his intelligence and wisdom.
11. 子路在为人处世上有着独到的见解。
Zilu has unique insights in dealing with people and affairs.
12. 孔子对子路寄予了很大的期望。
Confucius had high expectations for Zilu.
13. 子路在孔子逝世后一直忠诚地传承他的思想。
Zilu faithfully carried forward Confucius' teachings after his passing.
14. 子路一生都在追求道德和智慧。
Zilu dedicated his life to the pursuit of morality and wisdom.
15. 孔子曾说子路是一个有着坚定信念的人。
Confucius once said that Zilu was a man of unwavering conviction.
16. 子路常常向孔子请教问题。
Zilu often sought advice from Confucius.
17. 孔子对子路的教诲深刻影响了他的一生。
Confucius' teachings deeply influenced Zilu's life.
18. 子路在学术上有着很高的造诣。
Zilu had great accomplishments in academic studies.
19. 子路在孔子的指导下,不断提升自己的修养。
Under Confucius' guidance, Zilu constantly improved his moral cultivation.
20. 子路被后人称为“孔门四贤”之一。
Zilu was later known as one of the "Four Sages of the Confucian School".
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