1. 这个大盗在黑夜里悄悄地溜进了珠宝店。
The thief sneaked into the jewelry store in the dead of night.
2. 警方正在全力追捕这名大盗。
The police are making every effort to track down the master thief.
3. 这位大盗已经连续作案多次,但始终逍遥法外。
The notorious thief has committed multiple crimes but has always evaded capture.
4. 大盗用一把匕首威胁着店主,抢走了所有的现金。
The robber threatened the shopkeeper with a knife and stole all the cash.
5. 这个大盗的犯罪手法非常狡猾,让警方束手无策。
The thief's cunning methods have left the police at a loss.
6. 大盗潜入了名人的豪宅,偷走了一大笔贵重物品。
The burglar broke into the celebrity's mansion and made off with a fortune in valuables.
7. 这个大盗已经成了全城的公敌。
The thief has become a public enemy in the city.
8. 大盗在逃跑时丢下了一些关键的线索。
The thief left behind some crucial clues while making his escape.
9. 这个大盗的胆量越来越大,敢于在白天作案。
The audacious thief has grown bolder, daring to commit crimes in broad daylight.
10. 警方终于将这名大盗绳之以法。
The police finally brought the master thief to justice.
11. 大盗在城市里横行霸道,让人们感到恐慌。
The thief's reign of terror in the city has left people feeling fearful.
12. 这个大盗的手法狡猾,几乎没有留下任何蛛丝马迹。
The thief's methods are so cunning that he leaves almost no trace behind.
13. 大盗趁着夜色逃离了监狱。
The thief escaped from prison under the cover of darkness.
14. 这个大盗一直在挑战警方的权威。
The thief has been constantly challenging the authority of the police.
15. 大盗的突然出现让人们措手不及。
The sudden appearance of the thief caught everyone off guard.
16. 警方正在全力追踪这名大盗的行踪。
The police are making every effort to track the movements of the thief.
17. 这个大盗的犯罪记录让人咋舌。
The thief's criminal record is staggering.
18. 大盗用一把手枪威胁着银行职员,抢走了大量现金。
The robber threatened the bank staff with a gun and made off with a large sum of money.
19. 警方已经将这名大盗列入通缉名单。
The police have placed the thief on the wanted list.
20. 这个大盗的身份始终是一个谜。
The identity of the thief remains a mystery.
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