1. 作为公民,我们有义务为社会做出贡献。
As citizens, we have a duty to contribute to society.
2. 作为父母,我们有义务教育和照顾我们的孩子。
As parents, we have an obligation to educate and care for our children.
3. 作为员工,我们有义务遵守公司的规定和政策。
As employees, we have a responsibility to adhere to the company's rules and policies.
4. 他义不容辞地承担了照顾家人的责任。
He willingly took on the obligation of caring for his family.
5. 义务教育是每个孩子的基本权利。
Compulsory education is a fundamental right for every child.
6. 他们义不容辞地帮助了那些需要帮助的人。
They volunteered to help those in need without hesitation.
7. 义务参军是每个公民的责任。
Serving in the military is a duty of every citizen.
8. 作为社会成员,我们有义务保护环境。
As members of society, we have an obligation to protect the environment.
9. 义务性的社区服务对于塑造一个更美好的社会至关重要。
Voluntary community service is crucial for shaping a better society.
10. 他们义不容辞地承担了照顾残疾家庭成员的责任。
They willingly took on the obligation of caring for a disabled family member.
11. 义务性的捐款对于支持慈善事业至关重要。
Voluntary donations are crucial for supporting charitable causes.
12. 作为学生,我们有义务遵守学校的规章制度。
As students, we have a duty to abide by the school's rules and regulations.
13. 作为公民,我们有义务尊重他人的权利和自由。
As citizens, we have an obligation to respect the rights and freedoms of others.
14. 义务性的医疗服务对于提供基本医疗保健至关重要。
Voluntary medical services are crucial for providing basic healthcare.
15. 他义不容辞地承担了帮助贫困家庭的责任。
He willingly took on the obligation of assisting impoverished families.
16. 义务性的献血对于拯救生命至关重要。
Voluntary blood donation is crucial for saving lives.
17. 作为领导者,我们有义务为员工创造一个良好的工作环境。
As leaders, we have a duty to create a positive work environment for our employees.
18. 义务教育的目标是确保每个孩子都能接受基本的教育。
The aim of compulsory education is to ensure that every child receives a basic education.
19. 他义不容辞地承担了保护动物的责任。
He willingly took on the obligation of protecting animals.
20. 义务性的慈善活动对于支持社区发展至关重要。
Voluntary charitable activities are crucial for supporting community development.
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