1. 他奋力地拼搏着,终于实现了自己的梦想。
He struggled hard and finally realized his dream.
2. 她奋力挣脱绑架者的束缚。
She struggled hard to break free from the kidnapper's restraints.
3. 他奋力奔跑,希望能够赶上最后一班火车。
He ran hard in an effort to catch the last train.
4. 在生活的道路上,我们都需要奋力向前。
In the journey of life, we all need to strive hard.
5. 她奋力地划着船,穿越湍急的河流。
She paddled hard, navigating through the turbulent river.
6. 他们奋力应对突如其来的挑战。
They struggled hard to cope with the sudden challenges.
7. 他奋力挣扎着爬上了陡峭的山坡。
He struggled hard to climb up the steep hill.
8. 在面对困难时,我们要奋力坚持下去。
When facing difficulties, we need to strive hard to persist.
9. 她奋力拼搏,最终成功地获得了升职的机会。
She worked hard and eventually succeeded in getting a promotion.
10. 他们奋力抵抗着敌人的进攻。
They fought hard against the enemy's attack.
11. 在追求目标的道路上,我们需要奋力拼搏。
In the pursuit of our goals, we need to strive hard.
12. 他们奋力保护着家园,不惜一切代价。
They struggled hard to protect their homeland at all costs.
13. 奋力挣扎的鱼儿最终逃脱了渔网的束缚。
The struggling fish eventually escaped from the fishing net.
14. 他奋力地挥舞着双拳,与对手展开激烈的搏斗。
He fiercely swung his fists in a struggle with his opponent.
15. 在竞争激烈的社会中,我们必须奋力前行,才能取得成功。
In a fiercely competitive society, we must strive hard to succeed.
16. 她奋力地朝着终点冲刺,希望能够赢得比赛。
She sprinted hard towards the finish line, hoping to win the race.
17. 他们奋力扑灭了大火,挽救了无数人的生命。
They struggled hard to extinguish the fire, saving countless lives.
18. 奋力逃跑的囚犯最终被警察抓获。
The fleeing prisoner who struggled hard was eventually captured by the police.
19. 他奋力地挣脱着手铐,试图逃跑。
He struggled hard to break free from the handcuffs in an attempt to escape.
20. 在挑战面前,我们要奋力抗争,不要轻易放弃。
In the face of challenges, we must strive hard and not give up easily.
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